Chapter 31

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Ed's POV:

Her hair fell against her face as her body slumped forward into my arms, her breathing calmed and her heart rate slowed. I picked up her small frame placing her beside Query on her sofa, watching the small feline crawl onto her, nuzzling her neck in an attempt to wake her up. I took precaution in preparing her apartment to make it look as if she'd moved abruptly. I'd already prepared the majority of her things and placed them in the secure location I'd found for the two of us. The only rooms I'd not finished were the ones Harmony would enter. I placed gloves on my hands to make sure I didn't leave fingerprints and got to work. I'd left a note on the desk for the police, addressing it to Harmony to explain Alice's disappearance

Dear Harmony,

You probably know by now that gotham is not for me. Our discussions really helped me find out that i need something more than what i have. Use whatever you want for the apartment, it's yours now. Water and electricity will be covered by edward and i, our gift to you for helping us as you have. Our love has only grown since my vacation and the two of us are going to be very happy together. Never doubt what you can do, i believe that you will achieve great things. Thank you for all you've done for me and i will never forget you. Forcing me to see just how toxic gotham was for me made me realise just how badly i needed to move. I want you to please tell jim and harvey that i will miss them and that i resign at the gcpd. Note that i have not attached an address, ed and i need to spend time to work out our relationship before facing the pressures of friends and family. Don't worry about me, edward will take good care of me like he always has. Happiness for me lies far from gotham i hope you can understand. Ending our friendship was a hard but necessary evil and i wish you well in life's endeavours. Running away is the only thing left to do, goodbye.


I left the note on the dining table after placing the pen in Alice's hand to transfer dna along with hovering her hand over the letter, gathering the remainder of her things, and placing Query in her cage. She meowed lightly but I didn't have the time to do anything about it, the police surely on their way. I took both the cage and Alice into my arms as I carried them down the fire exit toward my car. Query's cage was placed in the backseat and I buckled Alice into the passenger seat before slipping into the driver's seat, taking a deep breath.

That did not go as smoothly as initially planned. She was scared of me, terrified even. Her eyes had widened and her usually smiling lips had been opened partially in pure shock of my actions.

I'd never planned on her seeing this side of me, she'd kept me in control of him. Her smile enough for the vengeful thoughts to sound ridiculous in the recesses of my mind. If only she hadn't mentioned Kristen like she had, how she'd kept pressing for any type of answer. He'd gotten fed up with her, he believed she was smarter than that. A part of Edward thought so too but he knew that she simply couldn't see the clues because she didn't want to see them, not wanting to see any bad in me.

She was far too kind to live in Gotham. It was obvious to everyone that she'd grown up in Metropolis, surrounded by people who supported her. It was enviable almost, for her to have been loved and wanted for such critical years of cognitive development. It was most likely that I was not her first male companion, after all her beauty and kindness would surely attract any man's attention and I'm sure these men, most likely boys at the time, would have played with her heart, toying with it as if she was just another possession their parents had gifted them.

They could never love her the way I do, wholeheartedly and with unmatched adoration. I know she thinks I'm mad right now, even a little scared of me but she will see my love and know that I would never hurt her.

I didn't say anything about not hurting her, if anything that little stunt she tried to pull deserves some kind of punishment.

Has she not been punished enough? I mean we're taking her from her home, her family.

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