Murtagh shuffled behind her to have a look, "Just a bit of dribble, nothing to worry about. I think she's done now, I'll take her back to bed."

Lorena kissed the baby before handing her over, and watched Murtagh snuggled her as he walked back into the children's room. Lorena returned her attention to the warm liquid crawling down her back, she reached behind her and wiped at it with a finger. After an inspection she had to resist the urge to heave. Her finger was covered in a sweet smelling, milky liquid.

"Murtagh, you liar!" she hissed as he walked back into the room, "She vomited on me!"

* * *

When she woke the next morning their bedroom was filled with bright morning light. She squeezed her eyes shut and snuggled back into Murtagh's chest. After putting Selena to bed the night before Murtagh had suggested moving into their own bedroom in case the children woke up before them the next morning. Lorena had happily agreed with the idea, collected their clothing then jumped into the bed and cuddled.

"I think the boys are up." Murtagh whispered. Lorena strained her ears and could hear the sounds of cupboards opening and closing.

"It sounds like they're hungry. We should get breakfast on."

"Sounds good," Murtagh kissed her before getting up and dressed, "I'll take care of us and the boys, while you feed Selena."

Lorena got up and pulled some clothing out of the wardrobe, when dressed she made her way into the main room. The boys sat at the table eating apples, while Murtagh rummaged through the cupboards. She made her way into the children's room and picked up Selena, who squealed with delight when she saw her. By the time she came back out into the main room there was a lump of cheese on the table, and Murtagh knelt next to the fire.

"You can feed her at the table, the boys won't mind." Murtagh called out before beginning to cook.

Lorena kissed both boys a good morning, then slumped into a chair and fed Selena. By the time she started burping the baby Jordane had finished his apple, and Tornac let out a startled shout. Both Murtagh and Lorena were on their feet and on their way over to his side when he pulled something small and white out of his apple. He turned to Murtagh and held the object up.

Murtagh plucked the item from between his fingers and examined it. He grinned and placed it on the table before ruffling Tornac's hair. "Congratulations, my boy. You've lost your first tooth."

The child smiled uncertainly and Lorena noticed the missing front tooth.

"Look at that!" She exclaimed holding his jaw with one hand, "That's a handsome smile."

"I'll put it on the fireplace, and tomorrow morning there might be a surprise there for you." Murtagh placed the tooth on the mantel before he went back to cooking. Lorena sat in the chair next to Tornac and went back to burping Selena. Tornac turned to his little brother and grinned, Jordane stuck his tongue out and Tornac responded by poking his tongue through the gap.

After hearing a good burp Lorena patted Selena on the bum, and heard an odd squelching noise. She noticed a sweet smell, then peered down her cloth to see a creamy mess. "Murtagh, she needs a change. Where are the cloths?"

"Here, I'll take her." Murtagh placed a plate full of fried strips of meat on the table and took Selena, "I don't know how well you'd be able to change one right now after how you reacted to a little bit of vomit last night."

"It wasn't just a little bit!" Lorena glared at him as he left the room, she then picked up the knife in the middle of the table and carved the cheese into bit size pieces.

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