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Slowly driving into Shay's parking lot I noticed Passion starting to move around in her sleep. "Where are we?" Passion asked opening her eyes looking around scared. I let out a small breathe because this 21 questions shit was starting to bug me. I'm not used to answering to nobody and in just a couple of days it seem like I've been answering to everybody especially Passion. "I'm about to run into my girl house real quick sit tight I'll be right back." I said gaining only a head nod from her. I got out the car closing the door, I would leave my keys but she might steal my shit.

I knocked on Shay's door and took a step back waiting on her to open it. I started to think that maybe my brother was just fucking around trying to make me sweat cause we always playing with each other on some dumb shit. Regardless he got me going back and forth in my head on if I should pimp slap her ass since she out here being a hoe or would I just leave her dirty ass where she stood. Man, Shay and I got some real history, even though she can get on my last nerve sometimes making me want to tie her ass up I can definitely say I love the hell out of her. People think she just a gold digger and shit but honestly if you ask me she was here before the money. It's just when it did start coming in she didn't know how to act, but one thing about me is if I love you I strive to give you the world, but I don't know it be like her ass want the damn galaxy.

"Who is it?!" She yelled through the door ratchet as hell. "Girl bring your ass to this door before I kick this shit in." I said getting agitated, it was hot as hell outside. I heard her quickly unlocking the door and watched as she opened it covering herself up with just a robe on."You just waking up or something?" I asked knowing damn well at four in the afternoon Shay ass not just waking up. It doesn't matter if this girl just sitting in the house I know Shay hair is never going to be just on top of her head everywhere, she always going to be dressed, and her makeup always be done. "Uh yeah, I just slept a little longer than usual, I had a real bad headache, I was getting ready to shower when you knocked." She said scratching her hair, fake yawning and shit and smiling guilty ass smile.

I've learned through years of doing this street shit that a person's body language, eye contact, and tone of voice gone always tell on them. It could be a lie or the truth but if you pay close attention you gone notice, and shit gone come out quicker than you expect. "Oh okay so you feeling better now?" I asked her while looking around, noticing a few things though. "Oh yeah much better baby, how you doing today?" She asked looking a little worried. It was clear she was off and dazed, jittery maybe. Shay wouldn't know where to even get drugs and she damn sure not getting them from me and my folks.

I noticed our picture was flipped over face down on some weird shit cause she love that picture. That shit ain't never moved from the same position since she put it in that spot there on the table because it was the first date we ever went on and we got a few pictures taken. I just had chuckled a bit cause nah. "I'm good Shay, I'm having a real good day actually." I said while looking down at her. Shay was short, a good 5'4 so I was towering her. "You acting weird baby you want some water or something to cool down, maybe the heat getting to you." She said looking concerned and scared at the same time.

"I'm okay, let's go up stairs and lay up in ya bed for a minute. Shit I got some good ass news to tell you." I said while making my way to the steps. "Baby wait! I just woke up so give me a little time to you know straighten up in there real quick." She quickly said jumping in front of me, which was the reaction I really was looking for. "Man Shay, come on now quit playing I don't care how your room look and you know that." I said looking her in her eyes, watching her brain run in circles cause it was plastered all on her damn face.

She slowly nodded walking ahead of me up to her room. I made my way to her bed taking a seat on it, removing my shoes, smiling . I noticed the scent in the room and it definitely was a strong smell of sex lingering in the air mixed with some cheap ass cologne. Slowly but surely I was losing my cool, I wanted to go off in her shit right then and there. To set the record straight no I don't believe in abusing women, I do however make it a known lesson to people in general to not fuck with me or play in my mother fucking face. "Why you all the way over there Shay you acting weird." I said staring at her as I watched her stare at something else and then look away real quick. She lightly laughed walking over to me. My eyes had already followed her gaze at this point and it had me all fucked up in the head. "I told you I didn't feel good and I'm just waking up. You're acting so weird wassup with you?" She asked climbing on top of me.

I just sat there quiet, staring at the used condom that was laying on the floor by the bed. Looking at her shoulder blade as she leaned forward I could see the hickies on her shit. She started kissing on my neck slowly while trying to lift my shirt and get my man up down there. This hoe was really about to try and fuck me after just fucking on some other nigga. I grabbed her hands from under my shirt while using my other hand to grip her small neck. While still applying pressure I lifted her ass up off me making my way to the wall with Shay clawing at my hand for her life, her feet never touching the floor.

"Bitch you really got a lot of fucking nerve trying me like that." I yelled in her face losing my cool. "Do you mistaken me for some pussy ass, stupid ass, lame ass nigga Shay?" I asked smashing the tip of my nose into hers. "Ad..on.. plea.. I.. cant.. bre.." Shay whispered out trying to breathe and beg at the same time scratching to get free. "Well could you fucking breathe when that nigga had his dick down your throat?!" I asked pushing her ass back a bit watching her face turn blue with tears falling from her eyes as I squeezed tighter around her neck. I was so close to snapping this bitch shit cause what the fuck. I decided against putting her ass to sleep through this wall though. I removed my hand from around her neck letting her ass drop to the floor.

I stood there watching as she sat on the floor catching her breath hard, crying with fear and shock all in her eyes. "Shut the fuck up all them baby ass tears before I smack your trifling ass, where them car keys at?" I asked searching her shit and putting on my shoes. If this bitch thought she was about to play me and still be riding around in my shit she had me fucked up. "Adonis no you can't take my car! Baby please I'm sorry! Talk to me man! " She cried out while I went down stairs looking on her kitchen table getting the keys.

"Baby we can fix this Adonis I messed up and I'm sorry!" Shay yelled grabbing my arm. "Let me go before I kill you Shay." I yelled opening her front door. I walked outside with her hot on my heels acting a damn fool. "Why the hell is that bitch in your car Adonis?!" Shay yelled putting her attention and anger on Passion. "Man mind your damn business, you not my bitch go worry about that nigga who dick was just in your mouth and I dare you to fuck up this car, I'll be sending for this shit Shay." I boomed back at her getting in my car.

I was beyond pissed I wanted to send her ass to someone's hospital. I started the car and reversed out her drive way leaving her ass standing outside crying like she lost her mind. I could see Passion just staring at me from the side of my eye and that shit was pissing me off even more. "What you just sitting there eyeing me for?! Looking like you fucking stupid or some shit like what the fuck up bruh?" I said slick raising my voice which made her jump and look at me even crazier.

"Look, I ain't did shit to you, don't come at me cause your feelings hurt and shit from your girl getting fucked." She calmly said looking back out the window crossing her arms and leaning her head back on her seat. "You don't know shit, worry about your own fucked up life, you got enough shit to be worried bout shawty." I spat back at her ass. She looked at me as if she was about to say some more smart shit but then just turned her head back to the window. Shit I wanted her to say some smart shit cause honestly she just an easy target right now, this Shay shit got me all the way blowed.

The rest of the ride was silent while so many thoughts went through my mind. I could kill Shay ass for real, she really tried me on some hoe shit. That bitch so dead to me from this point on, it's in her best interest to just stay out my face . I looked over at Passion watching her look out the window like she was in deep thought. Then my thoughts shifted cause now I'm feeling bad for how I came at her. "You trying to get something to eat?" I asked trying to break the silence while she continued to look the other way. "I don't have any spending cash to afford take out." She mumbled.

"Shit I didn't ask that, I got you, just a yes or no?" I asked already making my mind up that regardless I'm about to get me something to eat. She finally looked my way shaking her head yes and then back looking out the window. I turned on my bluetooth catching the middle of Derez Deshon "Time Went" and decided to let that play on out. I looked out my right window to get pay attention to the vehicles behind me, but then ended up catching a glimpse of Passion vibing to the song and lip syncing one of the verses. I let out a chuckle turning up the music a little louder allowing her to calm down and continue to vibe. Her ass was just mad for real a minute ago but that was on me and I was wrong as fuck...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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