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"DETENTION NOW MISS WINTERS, I WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS TYPE OF BEHAVIOR IN MY CLASS!!!" yells mrs stevens.i widen my eyes as i walk out of the classroom, hearing quiet giggles from girls and boys. i sigh and walk to detention which takes a few minutes since its on the other side of the school. when i walk in, there are seven kids seated. two girls on the left by the window chatting quietly, a group of four boys looking horrified which im guessing, for bein in detention. and last was a girl with blue hair sendind a dirty look straight at me.

i sort of slam the door inside waking up a sleeping mr halfcheif. "take a seat miss and ill explain the ules since i have never seen you here" which is true, never in my life have i been here or wanted too. I take a seat all the way at the back. "miss..."the teacher starts, asking my name. "winters but call me skye" i answer. he nodds in approval. "ok skye no talking, laughing, listening to music, sleeping or pranking. do any of those and you are having five more minutes in detention since you have never been in here. if you  were always coming here for doing something bad, then that would be fifteen more. now do you have the detention slip for me?" he says all the rule and i nod walking up and wait for him to sign the slip mrs stevens gave me when i was leaving class. i give him a smile and return to my spot. i look at the clock and see i have twenty minutes until i leave, hopefully. i look over and see the blue haired girl still staring and roll my eyes. i pull out my phone secretly and play make it rain. (who has played that game, it is AWESOME. anyway) i feel a presence beside me and see its a dude with blonde hair thats in a quiff. if you look closely you will see he has an lip piercing. "hi im luke hemmings, whats your name? i havent seen you here before" he says quietly. if the teacher was awake luke would have whispered quietly, but he was asleep at the moment. you see im not really known at this school, everyone ignores me. the only person who doesnt is may clifford, the most popular girl in this school. she always sneaks at our special tree,  and i love her for it.



yay here is my new book help. i will have a cover very soon. plus do any of my readers know how to make a cover, if you do please create one for me.  short chapter ill upload the other part soon love yous

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