❤~How He Cheers You Up~❤

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Optimus Prime:

He finds that talking about your feelings is an excellent therapeutic method. If you're having a bad day, he's willing to listen. Whatever's eating at you, killing you softly, burying you alive etc.. He wants to know what it is and help talk you through it. He helps you evaluate the situation, figure out right from wrong, (since most days people can't seem to tell the difference) and let you know that everything is going to be okay. Most of the time, that's all you could ever need. Just a hug and "It'll be okay, trust me." Even if its not going to be okay, for that moment you still believe him. And in that moment, everything is how it should be and more than okay.



He gets worried very easily so that anxiety might lead him to approach the situation incorrectly. He might not stop pestering you about it until you're out with it, but he means well. He just doesn't understand. He can't understand what it's like to not  want to talk because all he's ever wanted to do is just that. Have a full conversation with you. It depends on how you look at the situation, really. He might poke at you and push your buttons so much that you'll eventually give in.. or snap. And, by the way, he'll actually physically poke you. Heck, he might even start tickling you because if you don't tell him what's wrong right now swear to Primus he'll laugh it out of you.



Ratchet doesn't really know what to say when you're upset, he'll notice you're distressed but he'll also take into consideration: 'what could words possibly do?' After all, its only natural for some people to want to be left alone when they're not feeling so hot. But everyone is different, which makes the situation even trickier because as the years go on it gets harder and harder to figure out what's the best and right thing to do. For Ratchet, affection is a go. There's no need for words when he can just hug you so tightly you're convinced he'll never let go. That feeling of comfort pulls away the weight of all your problems. The relief is so overwhelming it might even bring tears to your eyes, because in that brief moment, you feel safe, comforted, and loved.



He tries so hard to approach you calmly, maybe be even slightly passive about it, but to be honest he can't control himself and he'll become impatient. If you're having a bad day, he's the type of mech to threaten the clouds hanging over your head and push them away with force. To say he doesn't like seeing you upset is an understatement. He'll ask what's wrong and if he doesn't get an answer he'll pull you out of the base and take you out for a drive somewhere far out from Nevada. You'll have so much fun with him (SINNERS, L E A V E) that you'll forget your troubles and have that amazing feeling of being in love. He reminds you of why you fell in love with him in the first place. He makes you feel so infinite, carefree, like the only femme in the world.



Megatron decides its best to leave you alone for awhile. He doesn't have the patience or time to sit down and talk you through your problems. He trusts that you know what you're doing. Besides, he also knows you're a strong bot who can carry her own burdens like a warrior. However, even a warrior can be strong for just a little too long. We all have that low. That point where we feel like giving up on ourselves and everything else around us. The weight of the world on one's shoulders digs into your fears, doubts, and insecurities. It cannot be held up alone. He's there not to bring down that weight completely, but lend a servo and help you rise up. Give you the boost of confidence that you need to meet and conquer your challenges. Bring out the best you that you can be. He helps you make yourself happy, because some days he knows.. this can't last forever.



Not everyone may know it, but sometimes the best things are said in silence. Soundwave takes in everything onboard the Nemesis and that includes your frustrations. That being said, he's a great listener. He'll know something's up when you storm into his quarters and then he makes sure to set everything aside to make time for you. He actively listens to everything you have to say while never saying a word. Just in case you think he's not paying attention, he might give a slight nod here or there. But this is never the case because you know Soundwave always listens. Not only is it primarily his job, but he'll regard at some point or another in his own ways. Aside from this, he also has a knack for showing you some dank memes. Come on now, we all know he's a troll.



When you're upset the first thing that comes to Knockout's mind is: 'what cheers me up when I'm in a foul mood?' And of course the first thing that pops up in his processor is a professional buff and wax but then he realizes that's just it. He's gotta shower you with gifts! The best of the best! Not only will it profess his loyal and undying love for you but it'll also brighten your day. It's a win-win. Then again, he could also serenade you. He knows he really good at that. Just the right wording and a few teases and boom, locked and loaded. Whatever the case may be, he hates to see you unhappy. Deep down all he could ever ask for is to bring you a smile. Perhaps that's what cheers you up the most, not the gifts or words, but knowing how much he really cares for you. And what lengths he'd go to prove it.


A/N: Next will be that shower request! Happy Easter! 🐰🌼

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