❤~Listening To Music~❤

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Optimus Prime:

7 Years: Lukas Graham

Listening to this song with Optimus seemed like a bad idea. Jack informed you that its quite.. emotional, so to speak. However, the Prime intently listened to it. Not saying a word or making a move during it at all. You thought about his past, and tried to bring it in with the lyrics. It didn't quite click, so you knew he couldn't relate. But the theme of the song, being about the past and all, made your gears turn. You listened with him as the final lyric rolled out.

"Once I was 7 years old."

"It is a timeline." The first words he spoke, breaking the ice in a way. You told him he was right, but you believed it was also about remembrance. Considering how the human concluded it. He nodded once and did one thing. He pressed replay.


Angel With A Shotgun: The Cab

How does this song not describe the lovable scout? He definitely knows what he's fighting for, and its definitely you that he adores. If love is what you need, a soldier he will be. Bee was definitely into the song, the way he beeped and clicked and his optics gave it away. It also could've been his spark-crushing hug and the way he pretended to defend you by holding you back, and pointing his weapon at an imaginary foe, but who knows?

"If love is what you need, a soldier I will be."

Get ready for the cuddle monster.


Chasing Cars: Snow Patrol

Although he's not one to get acquainted with, well, anything involving humans. He must admit that the melody of this particular song is very soothing. And for a stressed medic, it is indeed calming. He told you that some of the lyrics remind him of his younger days, when he was a bit more carefree. Its interesting enough and he thourougly enjoys it. Even at the part where the music picks up a bit, it moves him.

"Would you lie with me, and just forget the world?"

He sighs, knowing that there really is no world to forget. Cybertron was everything to him. And now, being here on Earth.... at least he had you.


De Pies A Cabeza: Maná feat. Nicky Jam

Yes, this song is not in English. But the meaning behind it makes it quite special. The entire song has one saying: I love you from head to toe. Well, helm to ped in Smokescreen's terms. Same thing though. Besides, even if you cannot understand a word this mech is saying, his adorable dancing is well, adorable! And hilarious, but you don't tell him that last part.

"De pies a cabeza, te quiero besar."

"It means from helm to ped, I want to kiss you. Weird I know, but I'm not exactly objecting" Your questioning optics and his wide grin unraveled to a very interesting night.


Kryptonite: 3 Doors Down

You meant to have Megatron listen to this as a way of telling him you love him no matter what. But hearing the chorus and most of the lyrics made him think he wasn't being affectionate enough with you. Which wasn't wrong, but again, you weren't aiming for that. So when you tried to explain your true intentions, you were a bit shocked to hear him apologize. And extremely happy when he made a promise to treat you better. Human music had its perks..

"I'll keep you by my side with my superhuman might, kryptonite."

He definitely kept you by his side after that episode.


Love Me Like You Do: Ellie Goulding

If only Soundwave could blush, because he so would have when you introduced this song to him. You knew that he kept his affections limited out of respect. It was his way of saying he loves you without being "grabby". But it didnt hurt to encourage him just a teensy bit.

"What are you waiting for?"

He stared for awhile, and shrugged. Which basically gave you permissiom to smack him upside the helm. Hey, you had rights.


Fell In Love W/An Android: Simon Curtis

Knockout enjoys this song because its so.. quirky. He understands every word that is sung, and it surprises him a bit that a human male performs it. You tell him that it was probably written about him, as a way of flirting. Of course, it was taken a bit too far and went straight to his processor. But is that really a bad thing? Knockout might not be a perfectionist at romancing, but he's a master at seducing.

"Hate to say it but I'd rather f*ck a robot."

If his smirk wasn't enough, you can be completely sure his next words and actions were.

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