❤~How He Flirts~❤

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Optimus Prime:

He's the type to flirt secretly. He'll say something smooth, but then brush it off if you pry.  This is once in a while. He doesn't really agree with the idea of trifling with your emotions. Flirting is for someone's own amusement, and Optimus is serious about you. He won't tease or lead on. And even if he does, because Prime or not he's still a mech, he'll catch himself and dismiss it entirely. He does like to politely praise and congratulate you out of admiration though. And even compliments, which are more his speed, don't drop constantly. He doesn't give "special attention" like that. However, that makes it better and worthwhile because it makes it more sincere. 



Bee doesn't really understand the whole idea of flirting. He thinks it should be "normal" to compliment you the way he does. On another note, he doesn't intentionally seduce, he's just being much sweeter than usual. In his optics, he's just being himself. But to you, it's more of a 'who are you and what have you done with my Bumblebee.' But a little seduction from Bee isn't the end of the world, it's pretty welcomed, right? Bumblebee is a sweet flirt, he'll complement just about anything. He also has particular gestures that could be considered flirting. Such as giving you extra kisses and touches, gifting you with energon goodies, or taking time to make you feel good. "Considered" because in his opinion it isn't flirting, he's just treating his femme.



Aside from the fact that he's the major flirt when he's on synthetic energon, 'How's it humming?', Ratchet gives out a lot of subtle, traditional flirts. He has old-school values. Like mechs should pursue femmes, and male traditional flirters usually get to know a femme as a person/cybertronian/bot/help before they try to date her. Off the synth-en, he's a polite flirt, like Optimus. Following all the rules and flirting non-sexually. He's a bit slow at the approach, but because he's already in a relationship with you it's a bit easier to get used to and it's meaningful. HOWEVER, bringing back the synth-en, he'll become more of a physical flirt and has no problem displaying AND expressing his sexual interest in his target. Which is you, of course.



He's also a physical flirt, but he's terribly clumsy at it.  He's the type to try to look you straight in the optics but ends up flustering himself and looking away. Smokescreen can also be a sincere flirt. He'll want to know how you're doing, how your day has been, what you're thinking of, etc. This sincere interest is great because it develops a strong emotional connection. It's also highly favored so dang Smokescreen, go on with your badorable self. See what I did there? Sorry, I'll get back on track ^^; Anyways, sometimes he can be shy and secretive, and other times he can be proudly in your face. It all depends on how he approaches the situation, and you know, if he stutters well then Mr. Smooth here just turned into Mr. I-don't-know-what-I'm-saying-help. He also uses a lot of cheesy pickup lines.



 Geez, he radiates confidence. Anything he says will come smoothly and perfectly. His seduction levels are crazy high and he has the charm of an aristocrat. So Megatron has it going pretty good as far as his flirting skills go. However, his skills to destroy Optimus are ter- OH HEY LET'S GET ON WITH WHAT I WAS SAYING. Megatron is definitely classified as a physical flirt, but it's more of seducing because the slightest touch from him can turn your insides into jelly. That being said, he asserts his dominance really well and is the ideal mech for this. I say 'this' because he still has some character traits that wouldn't b- AS I WAS SAYING. Compliments are also a great thing because they're sincere and really rare and can get a bit playful and sexy if he chooses.



Because he's not much of a talker, he's a physical flirt. It's a bit mixed between physical and playful. He's the type to use his extra appendages (or noodle arms as one of you so cleverly said) and tap you on the shoulder so when you turn and see no one there he can act like he doesn't know what's going on. Once you catch on with his mischevious tactics, he'll deny it to make you look like it's just in your imagination and you're a bit on edge today. He's really good at concealing his amusement so it makes you wonder if he's actually messing with you or if you actually ARE going crazy. Soundwave really isn't into expressing what he wants because he's also a bit traditional and only wants to know what you want.



He's the best at flirting. Period. That's a wrap folks you can all go home now. 

No, wait

*sigh* I've had a 'special request' to explain this one actually. Fine, Knockout I'll talk about you. No, not brag. TALK. Professionally. Like some psychology professor or another. No, I don't want to. Knockout, I swear to Primus I'll call Hardshell to get in here.

Anyway, KO here is a playful flirt. It's usually not the best because these types of flirts only do it for the game. Oh, and it boosts their self-confidence like crazy. Which is why Doc Knock here has a massive ego. Playful flirts also don't usually end up in a successful and meaningful relationship but that's a bit inconsequential because you're already in a relationship with him. He loves to tease and get physical and his favorite thing to do is accuse you of hitting on him or being sexually aggressive. "I see what you're doing, your feminine wiles won't work on me." Of course, he just ends up turning that around to a very particular, direct route. Playful banter is his thing. But have no fear, Knockout can have real conversations too. It might not seem possible, but I assure you he can.

I'm not painting you in a bad light, I'm being real! 

*s i g h*

A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE. Well, for me there's still about 9ish hours but I won't be on later. I'll be at my grandma's eating tamales and drinking cider. And possibly refereeing my family. If you know what I mean. 

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