❤~Valentine's Day~❤

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A/N: Human in this scenario. <3

Optimus Prime:

He's the type to stick to the code. But its more depth over volume. Meaning he won't go crazy and buy you everything, he'll most likely get you a single rose and blow you away with some poetry.

"There are times I wonder if love is worth fighting for. Then I look at you and I know I'm ready for war."

Or he'll get existential.

"1 Earth. 7 seas. 7 continents. 196 countries. 7 billion people. And I was lucky enough to meet you."

He also dedicates the entire day to you. He'll put aside any other plans, work obligations, and shred the entire schedule. Just for you. Its what you want and you alone.

On receiving, Optimus is always grateful and very humble over whatever you have to give him. But he likes to insist that the day just be about you. Selfless, and romantic in his own way.



Complete opposite of Optimus. He'll get everything he can think of. Your favorite chocolate from See's, the biggest bouquet of your favorite flower, and he'll decorate the heck out of everything. A trail of rose petals towards the bedroom (Lenny Lenny) and cut out hearts adorning the ceiling. Its a bit overwhelming and excessive but hey, it's the thought that counts.

Oh, and he loves the sappy poetry.

Roses are red
Violets are blue..

That kinda stuff. And he'll write it in a little card and leave it for you to discover with some balloons.

He's a perfectionist too. If something doesn't go according to plan, he'll be really bummed about it. It could be the smallest thing: one of the balloons popped, a petal was misplaced, or there was a typo in his love letter. He means well, though.

Upon receiving, Bee gets over-hyped about everything. You got him that new guess watch? He's gonna pay it back through kisses and hugs. Oh you got him that popular cologne? He's gonna repay you in bed.



He's the type to pretend that he forgot all about it and then surprise you at the end of the day. So he'll go to work, be all nonchalant and when you're at the point where you're so mad you're considering a breakup, he'll come through with the most amazing gift ever.

And at times, its very well thought out. It could be a map, with a little heart placed on all the places you've been together. Or it could be something he cooked up at his lab, like a neon lava lamp that has bubbles in the shape of hearts.

He's really not much of a poet, he finds it tolerable but he can't bring himself to write anything out. Puns with a scientific twist, however, are totally his A game.

When he receives a gift he tries to be nonchalant about it. He appreciates anything you do but he's strictly humble towards it. It could come off as a bit rude, as it seems he's brushing it off. But its just Ratchet being Ratchet. Not wanting to show extreme emotions because Miko would never let him here the end of it.

It's more of a private thing when he gets all affectionate. And it doesn't necessarily have to be sensual, but hey it could.



If you can't have the best, Smokescreen will not rest until you do. He's the type that will try to make others jealous by getting you the biggest and best gift out of any other girl. So something like those giant Costco teddy bears and a big bouquet of roses with balloons attached. And a whole lot of chocolate. And as you haul yourself through work/school with all that stuff you'll have to say,

Transformers Prime Preferences [DISCONTINUED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora