Valentine's Special; Happy Valentine's Day!

Start from the beginning

The process was time consuming, with having to mix the ingredients, heat them, and then pour and cool them, but by the time midnight struck, I was nearly done with the batch. All that was left was...

I glanced back to the pot atop the stove and furrowed my brows.

Wait, that's everything. I'm done with all the giri-chocolates.

But the big, empty, heart-shaped box mocked me from its place on the counter, causing me to question my progress.

Pulling the paper list out of my pocket, I saw that I had, in fact, finished all of my giri-chocolates.

Then why...

An idea struck me, and I felt my stomach flip at the thought.

I finished the giri-chocolates, but...

I glanced back to the box.

I... I could make some honmei ones—no way!

I immediately dismissed the thought and shook my head side-to-side violently. So violently, in fact, that I had to take a moment to allow the self-inflicted dizziness to pass.

He wouldn't accept them, or rather, I don't have the guts to give them to him. At least not face-to-face.

Then leave them at his door! My inner voice argued.

But that's creepy! Like a stalker, almost! My other—well—the same inner voice argued with itself.

You coward! Girls do it all the time! Ever heard of a secret admirer?

Of course I have, but it's so cheesy and cliché--

"Bah, whatever! I'll do it!" I shouted, ending my inner turmoil.

My voice echoed throughout the kitchen, and I felt my heart drop to my stomach in fear of waking the others. I froze and listened carefully, only relaxing when I heard no movement or disruptions in the building.

Well, time to get to work!


"-(ame)-chan? Did you sleep down here?" I heard a familiar voice say, but failed to process their words in my barely-awake state.

"(Name)-chan?" The person repeated before I heard another voice scream in my ear,


"HYUGRGH!" I choked out and fell from my position on the chair.

I impacted the ground harshly and laid there in pain, unmoving and unresponsive.

"Oh my goodness, are you okay!?"

Megumi's voice finally registered in my mind as I slowly sat up. I squinted at the three girls who shifted into focus.

Hm? What?

"Oh," I finally spoke. "Yeah. I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

Ryoko and Yuki shared a look before shaking their heads, already used to my antics, but Megumi still worried all the same.

"You just fell from the chair and hit the floor pretty hard!" she furrowed her brows in upset, and I glanced to the fallen chair beside me.

Oh. I must have fallen asleep in the dining hall after finishing my chocolates.

That explains the pain in my back.

"Oops." I stood up and dusted off my pajamas. "I must have fallen asleep last night making all these chocolates."

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