Chapter 1 - Gatorades

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A girl, around 18 or so, with dark hair stared at a crystal ball in front of her. Her brows were furrowed, but a grin slowly etched itself onto her lips. She was in a medium sized room and the only light was a single light bulb hanging above her. The girl was now quietly chuckling to herself as she looked away from the crystal ball. She turned to her side, where a table lay with six different colored vials on it.

"Hmm." The girl hummed, opening a bottle of clear liquid and putting a single drop into each of the vials. She then corked the six vials closed and put them inside a box. The girl turned back to the crystal ball and smirked. "Now... only time will tell."


It was crowded as the numerous cars drove down the freeway. High school and college students driving home for the end of their spring break. It was still Saturday, so they had a lot of time. A dark blue minivan pulled out of the main road and switched to a different section, loud music blaring from its closed windows.

"Love at first sight never thought it could happen to me. But you made me believe~" The radio sang.

"Kidnap my heart, and take me with you!" The four girls in the car sang happily. The driver, a girl with long brunette hair and a bright smile, bobbed her head along to the music while the girl sitting on her right, a dark haired bespectacled girl on her phone, mimicked her action. The two girls in the back, one with black hair and the other with brown ombre hair and glasses, cheered as they continued to sing. "Kidnap my heart, make my dreams come true!"

"Man, I can't believe spring break is almost over!" The black haired girl said with a sigh as she leaned back against the car seat.

"I know!" The ombre haired girl agreed. "We have to go back to school on Monday! The horror!"

"Oh relax, Melarni!" The girl in the passenger seat said, looking at her GPS. "It's not like it's the end of the world or anything."

"But Marissa!" Melarni whined, leaning across the black haired girl's lap and grabbing Marissa's shoulders.

"Hey!" The black haired girl complained.

"Sorry Jaz," Melarni said and stared at Marissa again, "It's school!"

"By the way Christina," Jazmine asked the driver, "Did you finish that project for government?" Christina slowed her driving as she started to think about it. Did she finish it? Did she even start it?

"No..." Christina muttered, the car speeding up again. Jazmine chuckled.

"Dude, it's due on Monday!"

"I know that!" Christina retorted and leaned her head back. "Damn it!" She groaned.

"You're gonna do an all-nighter?" Melarni wondered, leaning towards Christina's headrest. Christina groaned.

"I guess I have to."

"My phone and GPS froze!" Marissa exclaimed suddenly, staring at her phone in disbelief and pressing random buttons. "It won't work!"

"Let me try mine." The two Asians said and took out their phone. For some reason, their cellphones wouldn't turn on.

"That's weird..." Jazmine said, pressing the on button to her phone. "I just charged it this morning, and it's only like," She checked the time on her watch, "three p.m. I couldn't have wasted that much!"

"Me too!" Melarni agreed and checked her bag. She sighed dejectedly. "Fuck, my charger's in my suitcase in the back and I'm too lazy to get it."

"Marissa, check my phone." Christina said, her eyes never leaving the road. She now noticed that they were the only ones on the road and there were no buildings around. "Huh, that's weird."

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