Losing Myself

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Thanks for checking out my book here is just some basic info and some rules that I ask that you would follow.

THIS IS A BOOK, a fictional book to be exact. I have made ice skating one of the main themes of the book but I am not a competitive ice skater, so I honestly have no clue how ice skating competitively is scored or the rules of it, so I just write based off  of research.

Also as said before this is a REALISTIC FICTION. It is not based off of true events so if any of the dark themes found in this book have occurred in your own life please connect with a trusted friend who can help you seek the help and advice needed for you. 

I've lived through a lot of shit myself and honestly talking about it with someone you trust can be the best thing out there for you. 

This book has DARK and LIGHT themes, there is rape, self-harm, depression, and violence. But later in the book it will all lighten up so please stick with me til' the end.

If any of these DARK THEMES are to intese or scary for you I will put summaries at the bottom in the authors note.

Please don't leave any hate, if I make mistakes its because I'm only human so please leave constructive criticism.

Also please leave comments sharing your thoughts or ideas but remember other people look through the comments so please don't say anything that may be offensive to other people or me.


Love you all,


Losing MyselfWhere stories live. Discover now