Chapter 18: Lucifer Rising. [EDITED]

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"What?!" Jean shouts and accidentally rolls off of the couch in surprise.

Nick quickly sits up on the couch, "Are you okay, Wonder Woman? What the hell did your brother tell you?" Nick first started calling Jean Wonder Woman after she lifted him off of the ground when they had just started living together.

"What happened? Is everything okay?" Sam asks Jean, sounding worried.

Jean picks herself up off of the ground then sits down next to Nick on the couch. "Yeah, I'm fine, I just rolled off of the couch in surprise." She says into the phone before telling Nick, "Apparently, I have a half brother that no one knew about, but my dad."

"Did he just call her Wonder Woman?" Jean faintly hears Dean ask Sam, "Why didn't we ever think of that? Jeanie's about the size of a damn Amazon woman."

Jean rolls her eyes at Dean's remark, "Back to the matter at hand. I'd like to meet Adam, do you think that we can meet up tomorrow or the next day?"

"Sure, it shouldn't take us more than a day or two to finish this hunt and then we can meet you afterwards."

"Okay. I'll call you sometime tomorrow, Sam."

"Bye, Jean. I'll talk to you later." The other end of the line goes dead as Sam ends the call.

Jean hangs up and puts the phone down on the coffee table. "I can't believe it...I have a little half brother. I'll leave early tomorrow morning."

Nick kisses Jean's forehead, "Do you want me to go with you?"

She shakes her head, "No. I'm just going to meet Adam and catch up with Sam. I should be back by Tuesday night at the latest."

"Alright, but promise me one thing, baby."


"Promise me that if your brother is hunting someone, that you will stay out of it." Jean opens her mouth to object, but Nick stops her. "Jean, please...for me. No more bounty hunting."

"Okay, I promise. No hunting." She promises before climbing on top of him and straddling his waist. She kisses him passionately and things quickly become heated.

After they make love, Nick falls asleep, but Jean stays awake thinking about her half brother Adam. Slowly her mind begins to drift to other things; like what displays she will put up for the new knives they just got at work and her relationship with Nick. She glances down at Nick's left hand, which is resting on her hip, and stares at the wedding ring that he still wears. Jean sighs, wondering if Nick will ever remove the ring or if Lucifer was right and she will have to live in the shadow of Nick's deceased wife forever. For a few moments, Jean considers returning to her brothers and becoming a hunter again. She immediately feels guilty at the thought of leaving Nick because she really does love him, even if he is still in love with his dead wife. She cuddles closer to him, nuzzling her head under his chin. He tightens his arm around her and sighs in contentment. An hour later Jean shakes Nick awake and the two head upstairs to the bedroom.

The next morning, Jean wakes up early and starts to pack a duffel bag with everything that she'll need for her trip to Minnesota. After she's done packing, Jean takes a shower and fixes her hair before getting dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a T-shirt with a chibi Loki on it and the words 'Cute but things even out' written below the chibi.

Jean walks over to the bed and leans down to place kisses along Nick's gold-dusted jaw. He slowly wakes up, rolling over onto his back, then capturing Jean's lips with his own. She breaks the kiss to tell him, "I'm about to leave for Minnesota, handsome. I should be back in a couple of days. Enjoy your weekend."

Fallen Angel.  (A Supernatural Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora