Chapter 1: Snow is Falling and Pain is Present

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The little skeleton marched happily through the snow as he hummed a joyful chune. Monsters that passed him waved with warm smiles which he did to them in return. Blue was much loved in the area and he was happy of that. After walking for a while longer no more monsters passed him and he was left walking on the snowy path, arms wrapped around himself and he trembled slightly. "Brr... It's colder than usual today." He said to himself as he continued his trek. Continuously he looked around with wide eyes, trying to spot anyone is trouble, yet there was no disturbance on the snowy terrain. Blue shrugged with slight disappointment, he loved to have at least some sort of adventure while he was out patrolling Snowdin. He was about to turn around to head back towards the town when something caught his glittering eyes.

Movement in the corner of his right eye drew his attention and he turned towards it to be looking through the dense pine trees that roofed the woods. He looked through them with eagle eyes before he saw more movement. A black shadow ran through the trees with something shiny in their right hand. Immediately Blue jumped into the woods before running towards the area where he had last seen the person. He stopped, looking around as he got his breath back.
"H-Hello? Anyone there? Are you lost!" Blue shouted, hoping that the person would hear him, but nothing seemed to happen. He had the strange feeling of eyes watching his back which made him gulp quietly, swiftly jumping around to where his back had faced he saw...


Suddenly the sound of a twig cracking echoed through the woods. Blue turned around and saw a figure jump out of the trees and lunge at him. Before he could do anything he was being held by hands that had an unbearably tight grip. "Aahh!!? Let me go!!!" Blue shouted out with a high pitched voice. The figure stood in front of him, one eye glowing and producing a purple aurora while the other, a red pupil. "Don't make me hurt you!" Blue shouted with confidence thinking that the figure would let them go, but he was wrong. The figure started to laugh, sourly. IT spoke."Oh really? You think you can hurt me!? Ha!" One hand grabbed Blue's neck with an even stronger grip making him wince in pain. "I'd like to see you try." The figure snarled. Blue cried out as he struggled to get out of the stronger one's grip and started to kick around wildly at the air. With an amazing amount of energy he reached the figure before kicking them strongly in the stomach. He was dropped to the ground and watched as the attacker struggled to get up, they reached for their pocket and took out.....

A sharp, glistening.... Knife.

Blue stared at it in horror before getting up and running through the forest and back into the town which seemed to be deserted. Out of no where a hand grabbed Blue, pulling him to the ground as he screamed out in shock. "PAPY!? HELP!!!" Blue screamed as a strange smelling cloth was roughly held against his mouth and nose. His eyes dropped as he smelled the strong scent, tiredness washed through him as he fought to stay awake. Black dots started to cover up his view as he saw a monster in a orange jacket appear in the distance and start to run towards him. Blue couldn't help it as black dots filed his view completely and he fell into an endless gulf of darkness.

????'s P.O.V

I picked up the smaller skeleton in my arms and looked at him. He seemed to be so adorable! Pain shot through my stomach where he had kicked me, but a strong one. I looked up with a grin upon my face as I watched a monster in orange start to run towards us, he seemed pissed. A bone attack started to appear behind him and an orange flame started to appear from one of his eyes. The bones shot as started to quickly reach me, their points towards me. "Heh... Is that all you got?" Teleporting away and behind the monster he looked around with a face full of shock and anger. "Where did he-" He turned to me and I smiled before whispering to where his ear should be. "Better luck next time..." I summoned a gaster blaster and immediately shot him. The sound was tremendous as well as the cry he made when it hit him. I loved it.
Soon the dust drifted away and I created a bone attack to hold him down. Standing there and looking down at his stupid body was very amusing. "L-let... My bro... Go!" He shouted as he tried to free himself. 'Hmmm... So this is his brother...' He struggled more making me laugh. "Don't even bother." I said. I gripped onto the small skeleton in my arms. Before putting a finger to my mouth. "He's Mine Now. " I walked away as he watched me with widened eyes. "Please! Give him back! Don't hurt him." I stopped and turned to him. "I'm not going to hurt him... That is, if he behaves well. I'll be back someday with your brother." I chuckled before running back into the woods whilst watching 'Papyrus' trying to get up. The name... Urgh. It brought back some really horrible memories, I shook my head and cleared my mind. Looking down at the smaller one in my arms made me smirk at least I had earned, well stolen myself a trophy.

Creating a portal I entered it, making sure no one saw me before closing it. Walking around the mansion I had teleported to I unlocked a dark room, and laid the skeleton down on the cold ground. ' This room is only temporary... I'll get a new one for him until he learns the rules and that he belongs to me. ' Walking away from him and to the door I took one more glance at him and smiled unfriendly before closing the hard door and locking it with a key that I placed in my pocket. Walking through the dark corridors they soon started to lighten up with candles and I soon entered a room with a couch which I laid on. Staring up to the ceiling I felt the presence of my brother. "Hey Paps." I said so quietly. A floating head, scarf and gloves appeared next to me and I was met by the soft face of my younger brother.              I looked at him. "I have a question." He nodded. "Do you think.... I'm a bad person?" He shook his head and I smiled. Looking back up and closing my eyes I thought of what I should do about my new....     Pet~

Hi ppl I am HERE yyyayaaasssss???!!?!? Another story is starting while another is ending. Or maybe just that one book! Imm do book 2 for the Vampire and The artist!!!!!! Hhhaaah

IMMA tag some people.




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