Episode Twelve: Runnin' My Mouth (Part 2)

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Jinx watched as Shadow helped Zenshi from the ground, his face in a sadistic scowl. He shook his head, "You're a fool, King Alabaster. Coming here all by yourself. Looks like your side girl wasn't quite on the money."

The samurai lifted an eyebrow, holding her waist, "Side girl?"

Shadow blushed, rubbing the back of his head, "I-I have no idea what he's talking about, honestly."

"He better be. I'm the only one with side chicks, got it?" The girl whispered to Seth, "Also, I hope you realize how dangerous it is to go alone."

"Take this!" Gardner cried out when she felt her sword fall on her head and onto the ground in front of her. She slowly picked it up, noticing the sheath wasn't with it. As soon as the woman looked up, the sheath hit her in the skull as well.

Hans Von-Seng looked up to see two individuals floating downward, one he didn't recognize, and the other all too familiar, "Is that...?"

Luna dropped Crimson onto the ground next to Shadow and held a defensive stance in front of Zenshi, "If you want to hurt my mate, you gotta go through me, gov."

"Friend...?" Zenshi beamed, only to immediately scowl, "Also, you realize that this was unsheathed, right?" She lazily held up her blade, "You could've just killed me and wasted your time even getting here! How did you even find me so quickly?"

Luna smiled, her face reddening, "We found the trail of cloth you left for us soon after Master Hyugi alerted us of the signal you sent. I scanned it and found your DNA on it, deducing that it was your underwear." She rubbed the back of her head, "You weren't lying about your hip line."

Gardener nodded, blushing a bit as well, "I see." The mercenary shook her head, "That still doesn't explain why you dropped an un-sheathed katana on my head!"

"Details, details. The important thing is that you're alive and..." She looked at Zenshi's malnourished face and thinner-than-usual figure, "Umm, alive...?"

Jinx ignored the reunion and eyed Crimson, who folded her arms and ignored him, "Christina...Christina!"

The Native girl turned toward him and scoffed, "What do you want, Neo Sentinel? Can't you see we're interacting with someone who actually cares about us?"

The soldier's coat waved in the coming winds, "That sinister tongue. I remember it all too well. Another woman I knew spoke to me in the same manner."

Shadow listened carefully to their conversation, "Crimson...do you know Jinx from somewhere?"

The archer shook her head, "Not really. My mother knows him though. It was interesting ordeal, really. A teenager in my mother's psychiatric unit really adored my mom. So much so that he thought it would be funny to cry wolf on her. In exchange for keeping quiet, the boy ordered her to have sex with him. Ironic, isn't it?"

Luna gasped, "What!? That's vile, that is!"

The Neo Sentinel chuckled, placing his hands in his pockets, "Yes, but I believe your beautiful mother left out one, crucial detail."

Crimson scoffed, "And what is that? You forgot to pull out?" She gestured to her body, "No shit, sherlock."

"As important of a bullet point that is, no." He laughed once more, "She neglected to inform you...that she enjoyed every SECOND of it!"

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