❤~Valentine's Day~❤

Start from the beginning

"It's from my boyfriend."

And he feels like the MAN. Afterwards he'll take you out to only the finest of restaurants and then treat you sweetly at home, if you catch my drift.

He doesn't like poetry, he's more materialistic. Which is okay because who doesn't like getting a scrap ton of gifts? He more than shows he loves and cares for you and buying you stuff just adds a little extra to it all. Its very much like the cherry on top. To him at least.

When you get him something he'll throw it right back by making you feel as flustered as possible, "Awww, babe you shouldn't have." Or, "This is for me? You're the best, Y/N." He's very hands on too, and PDA doesn't phase him one little bit.



He'll make you feel like a queen. Its a very special occasion for both of you because not only is he the most intimate with you on this day. Which is a plus, if you're into that. But he'll also reveal a side that rarely comes out in the Big M. Soft, sweet, gentle.

Of course this has to be during one on one time, because he wouldn't dream of doing this in public (reputation to uphold), but either way every touch and word from Megatron makes you feel like you're the only girl in the world. He gifts you only the finest of roses, and the sweetest of chocolates. Anything you want, he'll get it for you.

Got a specific place you want to go to?

Bam, you're there.

See, its on this day that he wants to prove how much he truly loves you. And its on this day that he'll do anything and everything to show you how much he cares.

His idea of a perfect date night on Valentines day is being alone with you, doesn't matter the location. As long as he can spend some good, quality time with you and you only. He's not big on poetry or hundreds of gifts. He's just not that sappy type of guy. He's straightforward and sincere with what he says and what he wants.

And what he wants is you.



Soundwave is pretty strict to the code of Valentines day as well. He's straightforward with his gifts and he'll make sure it's more than enough to demonstrate his affections. What's special about him, though. Is he likes to play music and slow dance with you. In private. There's just something so intimate about holding you close and moving your pressed bodies together in synch. Its something he really likes to do and the best part of all is that no one has to say a word. Yet so many words are communicated during this time. Be it the I love you's or I wouldn't trade the world for you. It's all there, in that one moment.

He likes giving you flowers. Happiness radiates like the fragrance from a flower and draws all good things towards you.

Oh yeah, he's quite the poetic type. It doesn't have to be on Valentines day. If you're feeling down he'll pick up some sunflowers and roses for you with a note that says:

A rose can never be a sunflower, and a sunflower can never be a rose. All flowers are beautiful in their own way. As are you.

He gets quite flustered when he receives. Most likely because its just something he's not used to. However, whatever he gets, you can be sure that he'll treasure it forever. Because its coming from you. The most special person in his life right now.



K.O. pretty much has this day all figured out. Aside from the preplanning, this guy has also got the romantic side all set too. He can seduce, flirt, make you feel weak in the knees all at once. Without really trying. His favorite type of gift for you is chocolate, because you may not be able to buy happiness. But you can buy chocolate. And that's almost the same thing. Another reason is because chocolate is cheaper than therapy, and you don't need an appointment. His type of gift would be giving you a box of chocolates with a note on the front saying:

Did you know 1 hour of sex can burn up to five pieces of chocolate?

And after you open the box there'd be another note:

Eat the entire box, we're gonna have a busy night

Aside from the sensual kick, Knockout is really sweet on Valentines day too. He loves you ever day, not just on Valentines. But he makes it pretty clear you're his special one and only with some breathtaking quotes like:

"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."

He also loves the color red, obviously. Red hearts, red roses, red sheets. R e d.

Let it be known, everything he gets you will most likely be red.


nohomo <3

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