A New Version of Hell

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Hello, and welcome to this silly little fic that was born out of an idea that came out of almost nowhere! I'm really excited for it, and I'm going to do my best to put out weekly updates, but if I don't, please bear with me! I'm a college student with quite a bit of homework that, unfortunately, takes priority most of the time.

In a nutshell, this fic is basically about Kirishima using memes to flirt with Bakugou. Because memes are great and I'm lame.

Enjoy~ ♥


This is fucking bullshit, was all Bakugou Katsuki could think as he was headed down the hall of the boys' dorm. He was practically being dragged towards a shitty new room with a shitty new roommate who was probably even worse of a goody two-shoes teacher's pet than his last one, and if it wasn't obvious, he wasn't happy about it.

"I'm assigning you to a new room with someone who can hopefully help break your bad habits. This is your final warning, Bakugou," Aizawa, dean of the whole godforsaken school, had scolded him the day before. "Your parents and I are good friends, but that doesn't excuse your behavior and I can't put the safety and reputation of this school at risk just because of that."

"Blah blah blah" was all Bakugou had heard; he couldn't care less what this scraggly-haired asshole was bitching at him about, and he almost couldn't care less whether said asshole decided to expel him or not. He'd had more than enough of high school as it was, and if it weren't for that shitty ultimatum his dad had given him a week before he was kicked out of his house and straight into this damn boarding school, he'd have dropped out before even showing up.

Aizawa stopped at the second to last door near the end of the hallway. "Here. Room 416. Try to get along a little better with your roommate this time, alright?" he deadpanned, bloodshot eyes staring condescendingly down at Bakugou through his hair.

"Whatever," the blonde muttered as the elder tapped his knuckles against the dark green door. It swung open almost immediately, revealing a smiling, red haired kid who couldn't be any taller than Bakugou himself (not counting the ridiculous spiky, broom-looking hair, anyway).

"Yo, Mr. Aizawa!" he said in an overly enthusiastic voice that made Bakugou want to puke.

"Evening, Kirishima. Hope you're ready to meet your new roommate."

"'Course," Kirishima beamed. His eyes, a striking, bright red, landed right on Bakugou, and the blonde got ready for the usual—a faltering smile, a look of shock quickly replaced by another fake-ass smile in a lame attempt to cover up the shock (and, in a lot of cases—especially with adults—disgust), and a stiff hello, sometimes accompanied by an offered hand to shake out of forced politeness.

But the shitty-haired loser was unfazed.

"Hey man," he said, sticking a hand out in Bakugou's direction. "Name's Kirishima Eijirou."

Bakugou did nothing but stare at Kirishima's hand, keeping his own wrapped around the strap of his backpack. After a beat of silence, Aizawa was saying his name in that shitty warning tone he'd heard about a trillion times in his lifetime, like he was going to kick Bakugou out of the school if he didn't shake this loser's hand.

The blonde huffed and stuck his hand out. "Bakugou Katsuki," he muttered as the other's hand practically enveloped his with how big it was.

Kirishima gave his hand one firm shake before withdrawing. "Nice to meet ya, man," he said. "C'mon in." He backed out of the doorway to allow Bakugou through. After a minute's hesitation—of much rather wanting to turn and walk back down the hall with his middle fingers in the air than to go into that stupid room—he stepped in.

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