"Oh okay."

The coming moments were mostly silent. There were some weird vibes passing between me and Katherine. But I was only there for Rehan.

"We are going for football match. Would you like to join us?" Katherine asked as we waited for our cars at the valet.

Before I could even answer Rehan spoke "Oh yes.", I nodded a no to him but he insisted. "Come on please join us. It'll be fun."

"Ok then.", Rehan had a 'You can't say no to me.' Vibe.

We headed towards the stadium. There we were joined by 2 friends of Katherine. Rehan slowly slipped behind and walked beside me.

"I knew I would be bored if Katherine met her friends. That's the reason I asked you to come along.", Rehan told me as we were heading towards our VIP seats that he had booked while Katherine was busy giggling with her friends a bit ahead.

"Oh so you just wanted a company. Nothing else?", I asked him.

"It's not that I didn't want you to come or something but it's like I wanted someone to be with me while she was busy there, like you understand.", he stammered while speaking.

"It's ok I understand. But this is your favourite game right?", I asked as we took our seats.

"Yes it is. And it's even better when you have a friend watching it with you." He said slightly squeezing my hand. I was flattered but didn't let it obvious on my face.

The rest of the evening was well spent with an amazing match. There was very little that I understood but Rehan's reactions, happiness, disappointments on missed goals were entertaining to watch

And here, Monday morning is back.

This week is going to be hectic. All the work has to be completed and preparations for the transfer have to be started.

As I reached my office, I called my secretary to tell me about today's appointments. I was shocked to see Rehan's name in it. He didn't have to take an appointment. Crazy guy.

I called him up. He didn't pick up the phone. But sent a text instead.

Work now. I will see u according to the appointment that you have given me. Or rather your secretary. Bye.

Ok. I had no words to describe his professionalism. On which I had doubted a day before.

And by 3pm my client Rehan entered the office. And what chaos it caused. His fan following erupted in my office.

As if 50 pictures with people on his way from the corridor to my cabin were not enough, everyone gathered outside my cabin to get a glimpse of him.

"Good afternoon Ms Ananya.", he said as he shook my hand.

"Good afternoon.", I said.

The discussions went on for a long time. The crowd stood as an audience outside still. David made his way. I knew it was our break time. We'd meet by the coffee machine for which I was obviously late. He made gestures through the glass door. I alternatively looked at both of them. Rehan noticed my divided attention. He turned to look back and saw David calling me out.

"Boyfriend?", He asked.

"What? No.", I exclaimed.

"He seems really interested in you though.", He said.

"Not at all. He is my colleague. ",I said arranging his papers.

"And this is coffee break time Sir. ", David said finally entering my office and shaking hands with him.

"David.", I widened my eyes to him.

"Exactly I told your friend, I mean colleague this is too much work for me for today though.", He told David. "We'll meet soon. Have a great time at the coffee.", He said shaking my hand and leaving.

"That was rude.", I turned to David after Rehan left.

"That's the only time I get to talk to you. You have lunch with you team and I have to tell you about Daisy's birthday.", He said as we walked towards the coffee machine.

"So tell me did your wife liked the surprise?", I asked.

(Having a close friend at work definitely makes the day at office a little more fun. They sometime do get you into trouble with the boss or clients but that's the fun of it.

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