Opening My Eyes

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Lola: Then, it was a big thump.

Lana: And It sounds deep.

Ronnie Anne: But at the same time it comes out of nowhere.

Bobby: Especially that blinding light.

Clyde: I think it might had something to do with Lincoln.

Ronnie Anne: Unless if we can remember something...... From what he felt.

Ronnie Anne: Guys, that light must of been based upon how and what Lincoln felt.

Lori: Really?

Ronnie Anne: Yes! And I think that big thumping sound is Lincoln's Heart.

Luna: How would you know what that sound was?

Ronnie Anne: The strange weird noise we just heard, it deeply to thumps.
The noise that we just found, was the sound of Lincoln's heartbeating.
He told us that ever he felt strange,
his heart was broken upon you guys, and after all the memories where you made his life miserable, he felt a heart-pounding feeling in his chest and it's been completely stressing him out.

Lucy: That's sounds kind of weird.
But, you ever wonder how his vision works?

Ronnie Anne: Of course. While we were trying to find you guys, Lincoln and the 3 other kids who found him said that he keep having a vision of you guys.

Rita: About what?

Clyde: He thinks that bad things can happen with you guys doing something for him or even when he had that vision of us coming to the mall.

Lincoln:(melancholy in tears)
(in his mind) Well, they've hurted me again.... What should I do now?
They hurted me they first time, now they hurted me again.... And I can't take it anymore.... Everything's never going to change.... I'll never be happy again for the rest of my life.... Nothing's is going to to make the pain inside me go away....

Lincoln starts to run. He was scared by his own family. He tries to run very fast. But they kept catching up to him.
So Lincoln tried to get away with it)

Luna: Bro! Come Back!

(Lincoln fainted as he kept running)

Rita:(mad) Lincoln, get back here!

(Lincoln ignores them and continues to keep on running)

Lynn Sr.:(mad) Lincoln! Answer us when were talking to you!

(Lincoln continued to keep on running. He run too fast out of nowhere that, he lost them)

Lori: Where do you think he left off to.

Lynn: I don't know.

(Lana noticed something on the ground and took her flashlight out)

Lana: Guys, I found more footprints on the sidewalk.

(Lana reveals the footprints on the sidewalk with the flashlight)

Lynn Sr.: Alright guys, come on let's go and find him.

(Lincoln running playing airplane as some animals follow him across the river as he was singing)

(The Devilish Lincoln hit the Angelic Lincoln with his cane)

(The Devilish Lincoln laughs eviliy. The Angel Lincoln came back and shot him with an arrow)

Lincoln:(tears streaming) I'm gonna kill myself.....

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