"1...2...3..." he closed his eyes, and started counting.

The girls immediately scattered through the door. I wanted find a place to hide in an easy, calm pace, but my plans are often ran over by other things such as other's wishes.
So, it was only a matter of seconds until Mabel decided to grab my wrist and drag me with her and her friends, our four pairs of feet stomping loudly in the wooden floor as we rushed to hide in time.
Grenda and Candy decided to stay on the upper floor, while Mabel dragged me with her downstairs.

"Come on! I know of a place we can hide, Dipper hates going there." She whispered-yelled at me.

We ran along the hallway after we were done going down the stairs, and she turned around a corner, making me almost lose my footing.

"We can hide in Gruncle Stan's office. Dipper doesn't like it very much, since Stan sometimes brings him into his office to give him pep talks when he messes up somehow." She explained, slowing down considerably, and letting go of my wrist.

I had to give it to her, she was stronger than she looked, my wrist was hurting a little from the pressure she had applied to it.

We reached a darker area of the corridor, and she pointed to a brown, old-looking door.

"There! Let's go." Se smiled, opening the door, the wood letting out a small cry.

We both walked in, and she shut the door as quietly as possible, though such thing was slightly impossible, seeing as the door couldn't stop making noise.
Our only wish was that Dipper had not heard any of it from upstairs.

"Hm. That should do the trick." She said.

I looked around the room. It was dark, since the blinds on the window were closed and there was almost no sunlight at all, but I could see a fancy looking chair, a large desk and a lot of drawers and shelves scattered on the walls across the room, as well as some cupboards. There was a deer head mounted on the wall, which was a little morbid.

Mabel walked over to the desk, and sat on the chair.

"It's slightly creepy, isn't it?" She commented, looking around.

I didn't want to be blunt, but it was definitely creepy.

"Yeah, a little. Reminds me of my great uncle's house."

Having nowhere to sit, I hoisted myself up the desk with my arms, my legs dangling a little, my back turned to the girl.

"Really? That's cool. Was his house always creepy or just partially creepy?" She asked.

"It was...messy. I don't like it a lot, I rarely go there anyway." I blinked, staring at the door.

I turned around to adress her properly.
"If I actually think about it, I only started to go there after he died."

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't know that." She apolagized.

I waved my hands in front of me.
"Oh, no, it's okay, we weren't close. He wasn't close with anybody, really..."

"Stil, you're here because of him, right?"

I nodded, turning nack around to gaze at the door.
"Well, yes...but that's because of a family thing, so...I just wish it could be over soon."

It was true.
I was loving Gravity Falls, but the anticipation of knowing that I could find an answer seemed to block everything else out a little.
And then there was also that weird yellow triangle ghost...

"Aw, don't say that! We just met each other! And are you seriously saying that you don't like to hang out with us?" Mabel replied.

"O-Of course not! T-That wasn't it at all!" I stuttered, looking at the ground and feeling a little angry.

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