Chapter 7: Devotee

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"Okay, run me through this again. Slowly this time." Lydia said as she flipped through papers.

"Okay, I think it's best to start with the basics; magic properties, runes, and the bodies. So-" His phone suddenly started ringing and the redhead glared at him at the interruption.

Stiles got his phone out and threw Lydia a weary look once he saw the contact name, "How's it going Parrish?"

"Stiles. You remember how I said that I appreciated the help with my uh, issue but I wanted to stay out of whatever it is you guys do?"

"Yeah, and we respected your wishes. Why?"

"I still don't want to get involved, but I know you and your friends are the good guys here and I get the feeling the FBI don't."

"What do you mean? Surely Spencer doesn't think I'm somehow one of the bad guys."

"Sorry to break it to you, but I'm pretty sure they all do. I overheard them talking about how you were for sure involved in this, and by extension your friends since they think that the bodies are the doing of a group."

"Did you overhear them, or did you overhear them? Also, I thought you couldn't talk about the case?"

"Look, I just thought I should warn you since I owe you guys for the help, common courtesy and all that. I'm pretty sure I was going to get grilled over you earlier by one of the agents too, so just be careful. I don't want to have to bring you in over a misunderstanding."

"You got it, thanks for the heads up." He hung up, giving Lydia a look of worry. "We have a problem."


Somewhere across town, a young highschool student had just finished his shift at a rundown shop in the heart of the shopping district. He was already fifteen minutes late to meet up with his boyfriend, so he decided to take a shortcut through the back of the shops. He wasn't paying attention as to where he was running and ended up running straight into someone, sending both of them straight to the ground.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going!" He said as he stood, and helped the stranger up as well.

"That's okay, I'm afraid I was a bit lost." The stranger spoke in what was a clear accent, "Could you maybe help me find the way to back to the main street?"

"Sure, you just go up this alley" he said pointing to the opening a bit behind them, "then go left and-"

All that was heard in the nearly empty back alley as a loud thump and the sound of dragging across the grimey concrete floor.


"Sheriff! A missing person report was just filed in the shopping district." An officer said handing over the papers.

"Why are they handing over the case? This is out of our jurisdiction."

"They thought it pertinent to hand over the report due to the recent murders, and the missing person being a student from Beacon Hills High School."

"Damn it."

Hotchner sent Reid, JJ, and himself along with the Sheriff and his deputies over to the reported site of abduction. When they arrived at the scene they noticed the differences between this one and the others, particularly the fact that there even was an abduction scene to inspect, the others were mere speculation as no one knew for a fact the whereabouts of the victims before their untimely end.

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