Chapter 15: Magic Room

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Cora had taken a mini-vacation to go visit her pack in South America, old pack, her thoughts corrected. She sometimes had trouble believing that she was back home, with her family, with her pack.

She could admit, her timing was awkward, what with it still being the middle of school and with the new string of deaths, but she had wanted to be there for the transfer of alpha power ceremony.

She had left Beacon Hills on foot, preferring it to driving, and she made her way back the same way. She felt way more comfortable roughing it out, being more in touch with her wolf, than any of the others. Visiting her old home and pack had been great, but she was also anxious to get back to Beacon Hills, so she had been running all night.

She had finally crossed the territory line when she heard Lydia scream. She immediately ran in its direction, knowing that some, if not all, of the pack would follow her. Knowing their luck, Cora would probably walk into the middle of a fight.

And how right she had been, because by the time she made it to where the scream originated, she came upon a full on battle. She quickly scanned the area, looking for where she would be of most use at the moment. She could see her brother, in full-shift, guarding Danny and Lydia off to the side, Allison was close to the Nemeton, where a body lay, firing arrow after arrow, and the rest of the wolves were fighting the hunters, Uncle Peter and Jackson were back-to-back, with the other betas in a similar position. That left Stiles, who she saw standing over who she assumed was the killer. She also saw two strangers near Stiles, could hear them talking, but then she saw the hunter making his way to Stiles and she acted.

In an instant, she dropped Stiles on the ground to get him out of harm's way, and clawed the hunter's hand, the one that held the knife ready to attack Stiles. Using his own momentum, she clawed him in the neck with her other hand, causing blood to splatter on her face.

"Can't leave you idiots alone for more than a week without you finding trouble, can I?" She said as she dropped the body next to Stiles. She reached down to help Stiles up, and once he was standing again, the men she noticed earlier were shouting at her.

She couldn't be bothered to stay, so rolling her eyes, she left to join the fight again. Soon enough, she hears Argent shout, and not long after that, it was all over. Then came the problems with the LEOs. No one speaks besides Stiles and Uncle Peter, her brother was still furry, and afterwards they all headed to her family's old cabin.

Now, she was perched on the arm of the recliner where Peter was sitting. The pack was sprawled around the living room, on the seats or on the ground, and everyone was quiet. Derek finally walked in from the bedroom, wearing only sweats.

"Stiles." He says. He's the only one standing, his arms crossed, and he's glowering at Stiles.

"I-I'm sorry." Stiles begins, "Really, I'm sorry, but I had to, what else were we supposed to do?"

"We know, Stiles. But now we have to somehow tell two FBI agents everything, have them believe us, and get them to let us do what we need." Scott piped in.

"Better than having the entire team plus the Sheriff and deputies." Lydia says.

Derek nods once in her direction, "What are we telling them."

"There you go again without punctuation," Stiles tries to joke, "We convince them, get them on our side, then, we work together."

"Is that a good idea." Derek asks.

Stiles nods, "Spencer is good, at his job and in general, he'll believe us. Morgan...will listen to Spencer."

Derek nods again, "Fine." He addresses the pack, "Clean up, get dressed, we don't need to make this any harder."

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