Chapter 5: The Hunt

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    Stiles let out a sigh as Derek disappeared into the night. Taking a deep breath he opened the door and readied himself to face Spencer.

    “Now that you’ve said goodbye to your boyfriend, care to explain what just happened?” Spencer spoke, arms crossed.

    “Well you see- wait boyfriend?! No! No way, nope, no. Derek is NOT my boyfriend! Why would you even think that?!”

    “Sneaking in through the window is a bit of a cliche, Stiles. And I’m a profiler, you know this, I can read you two like a book.”

    “W-what? No. Nevermind. He doesn’t come in through the window all that much anymore. Besides, you heard him, he just wanted to talk.” Stiles said as he walked back into the kitchen.

“I’m no expert, but couldn’t he just call or text you?” Spencer followed.

Stiles frowned, “Okay, so maybe he was here for more than just talking. I did ask him for help with the pies after we got back from the store, but he had a meeting to go to so he left. I guess he came back to help.”  He finally gave up the truth knowing he wouldn’t be able to suede his cousin once Spencer started using his profiling skills on him.

Hopefully I can keep him out of the loop while he’s investigating, last thing I need is to accidentally incriminate the pack.

“Okay.” Spencer’s voice broke Stiles out of his thoughts.


“Okay”, Spencer repeated, “I accept your explanation and I won’t tell your father about this. This time.”

Stiles grinned, “Awesome! You’re the best Spence. Now, how about you help me out, that way we’ll both get some sleep.”

While it may not have been the help and company he originally wanted, Stiles enjoyed his time with Spencer.

It was dark. Wasn't it just noon? The woods were eerily quiet. What's that smell?

It was cold. What am I wearing? The woods were surging with energy. What did I see?

Suddenly, it was bright. Blood! Blood everywhere. What happened?

It was enclosed. Where am I? The room was full of odd things and strange plants. No! I thought I was done with this!

There was a person. That looks like me. There was someone else on the floor. I don't want to see this anymore.

Morning came seemingly too soon, and Spencer arrived at the Station at 7 a.m sharp., with pie of course. Somehow, despite all odds, they were able to finish all of the pies and still got a decent amount of sleep.

As soon as he walked into the station, he was greeted by chaos. Deputies were dashing across the station, talking, passing along papers, and overall making a ruckus.

“Hey Pretty Boy!” Spencer turned to see Morgan calling him towards the back of the room.

He beelined towards the conference room that served as their office for the time being. Spencer quickly took notice to the changes made to the information on the bulletin board.

“Reid, good, you’re here. We were just about to call you. A call just came in. They’ve found another body in the woods.” Hotch said and he and the rest of the team were getting ready to leave.

And just like that, the pie was left behind on the conference table, being ignored for a dead body.

I Have Friends In Not So Heavenly Spaces {Sterek}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt