"And I'll say it as many times, as I can. It was a bad idea to take a woman with us. Bad Luck I say." he said again.

Ethir mad now took a step closer "You should let it drop Lord Boromir. You don't want to irritate me. Especially, now that this place is getting to me."

Aragorn grabbed both of their hands "Be quiet! We never know what those minds hide. You can crosswords later." he made it clear, as he gestured Legolas to trail off Ethir.

Legolas already, understood what his friend meant. He grabbed Ethir softly from her arm and trailed her with him, away from Boromir and Aragorn. Ethir glared at him for a few seconds. But again, the sparkling Elf was something she couldn't stare for long. She lowered her gaze and freed her arm from his grip. And moved away. Only to lose her balance and find herself falling against the Elf's feet.

"That cannot be happening," she mumbled to herself, trying not to gaze up. She never lost her steps easily. 'How could she now be so clumsy?' She breathed deeply, trying not to overreact. However, she was starting to get really annoying.

Legolas cracked a smile. It was one of those times, he found her only human. Like days ago in the camp, when she clinched against his boots. He leaned closer and offered her his hand. "It's true that women fall against my feet. But I never knew, you would be one of those?" He mocked her.

Ethir glared at him and pushed his hand away. "I can get up on my own," she said coldly. Then she placed her palms on the ground and stood up. She gazed around finding mostly laughing at the view. As it was kind of funny. She didn't say anything else. She only passed by Legolas and found a puffy corner to sit.

"Are we lost?" Pippin asked as he looked at Gandalf and Sam. It seemed that both were in a serious conversation. They would gaze at the lower parts of the Minds like they were talking about something or someone.

Merry answered "No."

"No! No! I think we are." Pippin said again as he gazed at Gandalf.

"Shh! Gandalf's thinking!" Sam cut them off. He was sitting closer and could hear Gandalf and Frodo talking about Gollum.

Frodo looked down into the cavern and saw a small figure leaping from stone to stone. Startled, he asked Gandalf "There's something down there!"

Gandalf without surprise, like he knew it was there, responded "It's Gollum."


"He's been following us for three days." the wizard revealed.

"He escaped the dungeons of Barad-Dûr!" Frodo wondered as he kept gazing in the lower parts.

"Escaped? Or was set loose? And now the Ring had drawn him here. He will never be rid of his need for it. He hates and loves the Ring, as he hates and loves himself." the wizard added "Sméagol's life is a sad story. Yes, Sméagol he was once called. Before the Ring found him before it drove him mad."

Frodo had only to say "It's a pity Bilbo didn't kill him when he had the chance!"

"Pity? It was a pity that stayed in Bilbo's hand. Many who live deserve death, and some who die deserve life. Can you give it to them, Frodo?" Gandalf said, glancing sharply at Frodo "Do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment. Even the very wise cannot see all ends. My heart tells me that Gollum has some part to play yet, for good or ill."

"Get into a corner and have a sleep, my lad," Gimli said in a kindly tone, looking at Legolas; who was still standing.

"Elves, don't really sleep like humans or dwarfs do, Master Gimli." the elf answered. He lifted his eyes and gazed at Ethir. Remembering Ethir blade. "But I might take some rest," he said moving towards her.

Legolas stood priory of her, glancing down. Ethir raised her gaze against him confused "What?"

The Elf turned and took a seat next to her. "There is something, I was curious about?" he revealed.

Ethir sighted, she really wasn't fond of the Elf. Actually, she was still mad, for landing on his feet. "What?" she asked again.

Legolas glanced one more time at her and then pointed at her sword. "Your blade seems familiar. Who gave it to you?" he quizzed her.

"My blade?" she seemed puzzled. She placed her hand over her sword, remembering there was one more Elf that was interested in her blade. The Elvenking of Mirkwood, 'What's with that sword' she thought. She chose to settle the curiosity of the annoying Elf. "It wasn't given to me. I found it, in an old armory, some orcs had. I think it was made by Elves."

Legolas tilted his head, "You think?" he asked, as he could tell the wicked human knew more about its story.

"No, I know. It was crafted in Mirkwood. I don't know the details." She only added. She didn't reveal that Thranduil had the other blade. Neither, that it cost her her life fighting with him. Her pride didn't let her say more.

Legolas didn't push to learn more. He could tell there was more to that story. But seemed that Ethir didn't want to say anything more, so he dropped the matter. But his mind was set on the blade. And he would ask again about it.

"Oh! It's that way." Suddenly Gandalf said, getting all the attention. Over a long time, he had remembered. The fellowship had rested enough. Now, they were again ready to walk further. They started down a dark stairway. Then they came to a more open space. Broken columns lie tumbled across the floor. Gandalf lifted his staff saying "Let me risk a little more light."

For a brief instant, there was blazing like lightning. Great shadows sprang up and fled, and for a second they saw a vast roof far above their heads upheld by many mighty pillars hewers of stone. The black walls, polished and smooth as glass, flashed and glittered. Everyone was speechless, at the view.

"Behold: the great realm and Dwarf city of Dwarrowdelf." the wizard said.

Sam added, "Now there's an eye opener and no mistake."

They walked forward through the hall, peering around a column. Gimli said a ray of sunlight shining through a chamber. Gimli ran into the chamber. Bodies and weapons were scattered about it. A shaft of light illuminated it. He walked forward and peered at the tomb's surface.

Soon, the rest of the company and the outcast walked into the chamber.

Gandalf reads and translates the runes on the tomb " 'Here lies Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria.' "

((Next Chapter: 11))

[last edit 2021/04/17]

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