It came closer but both Arthur and I stood out ground I then spotted a crossbow not too far behind the creature. If Arthur could distract it long enough that force of the arrow will surely weaken the beast making him an easier target. I shouted my plan to Arthur which he agreed to but not before giving me a warning of safety, which went in one ear and out the other. Arthur swung his sword making the creature urge forward each time waiting for its prime opportunity. I had reached the crossbow unnoticed but that thing was getting awfully close to Arthur. I predicted where its heart would be once I had it attention so I was ready. "Hey! Over here!" Whatever that thing actually is turned to face me and began walking past and that's when I took my shoot. It's ear piercing scream made me drop my bow to cover my ears Arthur then took over and when it looked back to him I wasn't expecting its tail to hit me and it sent me flying into who knows what making everything go black. Last thing I heard was Arthurs cry for me.

Merlin's POV

I was locked up last night because of Arthur and now look I was right, the guy is so full of himself that he wouldn't listen to his servant. I would surely be bringing this up later!

Gaius had told me to go to the Great Dragon and I haven't been too pleased with him of late. Since our last meeting which was several months ago things didn't end too well, everything he does is for himself but Gaius was forcing me so I had to go down there. The dragon gave me a powerful spell but made me promise to one day set him free. So now I was running to the courtyard and once I got there all I saw was people laying on the ground Arthur was in the centre but across to the side by one of the pillars lay a girl dressed in an armoured dress her blonde head of hair covering her face but by the looks of it I could see a little bit of red... blood. Upon coming closer I identified the girl as Row. Before I could see if whether of them were alive and well a dark creature dove down from the sky heading straight for an unconscious Arthur. I raised my hand chanting a spell making the beast turn into stone once again with the pieces landing around Arthur.

I was closest to him so that was my first place to go and thankfully he was breathing all wounds were treated he probably just had a concussion. Now for Row, my footsteps echoed as I ran towards the small frame motionless on the cold stone floor. I brushed the hair from her face which revealed a rather nasty cut on her forehead with a matching cut on her chin. Her breathing seemed fine but seeing her like this brought such pain to my heart. I began to shake her slightly "Row!" I said her name quietly the first few times but my voice became louder until she stirred. Those blue eyes of hers were worn but at least she was conscious. "Oh, thank God!" She tried to sit up by fell back raising a hand to her head "my head hurts Merlin." I helped her into a better position where she could at least be more comfortable "I know but you've got to stay still before Gaius comes okay?" I got a hum from her and that was my signal to go get help from the barricaded castle.

"Who would have believed it!" A familiar voice stopped me in my tracks making me look behind me revealing Cedric or should I say Sigan now. "You a sorcerer! And a powerful one." He walked up close to where I was standing in between both Row and Arthur. "I won't let you hurt them!" I looked down at the two , on my right was Arthur even though at first he was a pain in the ass, actually he still is, he's close enough to a friend. And on my left the girl I grew up with as my sister. No way was he touching either of them! "And you're going to stop me?" He seemed to laugh at my statement thinking himself too high and mighty.

"I'll stop you." I paced closer to him so that we were now completely opposite one another. "He does not deserve your loyalty he treats you like a slave." I shook my head at him "that's not true." The man in black wouldn't stop though. "He cast you aside without a moment's thought." He was trying to get to me and he wasn't going to succeed I knew my place and that was alongside Arthur no matter what! "That doesn't matter!"

"But it must hurt so much to be so put upon, so overlooked when all the while you have such power." There was one part he was right about, it did hurt but I had a destiny that needs fulfilling! "That's the way it has to be!" Sigan was becoming wound up and I could see him almost shaking knowing that my wall was built too strong for him to knock down. "Does it? You're young Merlin, look inside yourself. you have yet to discover your true power. I can help you." He brought his hand up to his chest trying to bring even more emphasis to his point, I don't know what was going on in my head, all the questions like what if things were different seemed to cross my mind. No, I mustn't think like that!

"Merlin please don't listen to him you are yourself for a reason. You're the only person strong enough to stand up to him if he gains your trust he has no one in his way and Camelot will be destroyed" Her quiet voice carried itself towards me even in her suffering her knowledge and faith in me always pulled through. I looked towards her, she was week and tired but she held more power than any of us in her soul. But Sigan didn't care at all for her words. "Think Merlin! To have all of the world appreciate your greatness to have Arthur to know what you really are." I protested against him time and time again but he was so persistent. "It can if you join me. Together we can rule over this land, Arthur will tremble at your voice he will kneel at your feet!"

I didn't dare talk for a few moments I needed to have a clear mind one that he couldn't get to. "I don't want that." Now he turned against me. "You'd rather be a servant?"

"Better to serve a good man to rule with an evil one!" he inhaled deeply and his voice changed into a darker tone. "So be it! If you will not join me then I will become you and your power will be harnessed to my will!"

I wasn't too sure what was going on till blue mist come from the mouth of Cedric who now fell to the floor. Sigan' soul was heading straight for me I said the spell the great dragon gave me but the blue coloured mist entered me and I could feel my legs give way. My eyes were closed and I had the sensation of a battle occurring inside me. My soul against Sigan'. My eyes opened at the sound of a raven and the smoke from the fires were heavy. I got onto my feet at the sound of Gaius's voice walking over to him with a stern face and he seemed slightly worried. It wasn't till I smiled holding up a jewel that the soul was to be trapped in forever did he come close and embrace me. "Well done my boy!" those words struck me most did he really consider me that! He was the father I never had and to think he may see me as his son was a pleasant thought.

My attention then came back to the two who fought so bravely. Gaius and I went straight to the Prince getting him onto a stretcher. Two guards came and carried him off and then we paced over towards Row. She held her hand to her head still and I could understand the pain she was feeling. Gaius knelt down next to her and set up his medical items. "Gaius my head really hurts." He put a hand on her shoulder looking towards me "Row there's no need to worry we are just going to bandage it up and give you something for the pain and all that's left then is rest". My hand was in hers now, all we had was each other really, in these cases all you want is someone who cares for you to be by your side both me and Row have very limited choice. Gaius had almost finished tying up the bandage around her head, even her hair was bloody from the hard hit she took. The old physician handed her a small bottle of purple liquid explaining to her that it was going to help with the pain, and it was a fast working one at that.

Uther came running out seeing his son being carried away to his room, Arthur was unharmed thankfully and it was probably the young girl beside me wow was responsible for that. Gaius then walked over to his king explaining that his son was in perfect health and when he woke up there would was a possibility of concussion. Uther's eyes glanced over to his other patient where Arthurs man servant sat. Realisation hit and he ran straight towards the young girl who wasn't fully with it. Her diagnosis was also a concussion causing her dizziness and maybe ringing in the ears but we were all thankful that there was no serious damage to her head.

He knelt down taking the girl in his arms cradling her. His friend instructed us that we should help her walk to her room and that we did well Uther did. He effortlessly scooped her up carefully so that she wouldn't have to strain herself too much. We arrived to her pristine room and Gwen had quickly arrived with Morgana who came to help her into her nightdress.

What seemed like an hour of waiting they called us in and Row was dressed into a cream night dress with golden patterns with her usual braid for when she slept. Gaius came and checked on her one more time before deciding everything was fine and instructing us to give her rest. In truth, I didn't want to leave, I wanted her to know that was there for her no matter what just as mother made me promise in Ealdor but I had to for her sake.

BBC Merlin Fanfic Book 2 - Fearless (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now