Chapter 27

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Hello my little lovely readers :)

Here is the next chapter for you all to enjoy so enjoy, read, vote and comment :)

Ps this chapter is important and you'll find out a lot of interesting things...hehe


Sean, who had just entered the room, walked up to the strange people in the doorway and said a few words to them then led them outside. All playfulness was gone from his face, Sean looked serious now which was rare to see.

Once they left Blake turned around, his face a pale and filled with horror, he quickly ran upstairs before I even got to ask what was happening.

After a few seconds Blake came down again, this time he was wearing normal clothes and no dress, he stopped in front of me with wide eyes.

"Blake, what’s going on?" I asked concerned

Blake didn’t answer he just clutched me to his chest, muttering something I could not understand. The tighter he held me the more I could feel him shaking.

I pulled away slightly making sure I looked Blake in the eye, "Blake, tell me what’s going on? Who are those people?"

Blake looked down at me, his eyes watery and face pale with shock, "Oh god, is all my fault" he murmured over and over again

"What's all your fault?" This time it was Valery who asked

Blake looked at her then back to me again, "They are the members from the Werewolf Council; they've come to kill you"

"What?!" I jumped back in shock, "You ordered someone to kill me!"

Blake shook his head while reaching out to grab me again; I jumped back not wanting to be held by him. How could he do this to me?

"Was being my mate all just a lie? Was it just a trick just to get me to come then kill me?"

"No, oh god no" Blake said shaking his head, "You’re my mate and I love you, I never want to hurt you"

I was about to ask Blake a question when Valery started talking, "When she first arrived and you found out about those rouge killings you called the council, didn’t you?" She said addressing Blake

Blake nodded, Valery continued, "Then when you caught Walter you called them again to say you caught the hunter, but Walter wasn’t the hunter"

Bake nodded again, "Yes, and they are here to kill the hunter" he looked down at me with sorrow filled eyes

"Then why don’t we just tell them it was the red-head Walto guy" Another guy said coming into the room,

As he said this a large growl ripped through the room, I looked around to see Valery shaking. The growl was hers.

"It’s Walter" she said through gritted teeth, "and no one is going to touch him"

That one sentence from Valery made my eyes widen in surprise, "Walter's your mate isn’t he?" I asked

Valery looked at me, her eyes going from black back to her normal green; she didn’t say anything just nodded her head. At that moment all I wanted to do was squeal like a little kid, but then I remembered what was happening and my mood plummeted.

Taking a deep breath I turned to face Blake, "What are we going to do?" I asked, my voice was shaking a little but I tried to sound as confident as I could.

Blake looked down at me frowning, "We're just going to have to tell them the truth about the situation, hopefully they will be lenient because you’re a shifter"

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