Chapter 13

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Sup I have always wanted to say that :)

so heres the next chappie, sorry if its a bit shorter, but the next will be in Evangeline's POV

soooooo......dont forget to VOTE AND COMMENT :)



++Blake POV++


The need to save my mate had me running home faster than humanly possible, soon I found myself bounding up the front steps to mum and dad’s house.

The front door was open, thankfully; otherwise in the state of mind I was in I don’t think I would have stopped to open it.

Both mum and dad’s heads snapped toward me as I came running in.

“What’s wrong son?” Dad asked standing up from the chair he had been sitting in.

I took a seat on the couch, trying to steady my breathing. “It’s my Mate, she’s in trouble”

Mum unfortunately only heard one word in that sentence, three guesses as to what that was.

“You found your mate?” she shrieked, “Did you hear that Craig, our son found his mate” mum was now hugging me so tight that I couldn’t breathe. Just as I was about to ask her to let go, she let go. But that was only to hit me upside the head.

“Why didn’t you tell us sooner?” she huffed   

“Well I didn’t really.....” I stammered unable to tell them that she was the hunter

“Does she collect embarrassing things?”  Dad asked his eyes softening, “It’s okay you know, your mother still has your umbilical cord in a jar in the freezer”

“What?” I jumped away from my parents “Eww that’s gross”

“You’re missing the point anyway” I was pacing back and forth now “I came to ask for help because my Mates in trouble”

Dad face became serious, “what kind of trouble?”

“The Mercenaries took her” I growled as anger was churning my stomach.

“Why would they take her?” he asked grabbing my shoulders

“Well I think maybe it’s because she’s well umm” I was still unsure whether or not my parents would be happy about Evangeline being a hunter “because she’s the hunter” I sighed, deciding it was best to tell them.

Dad eyes widened then he said, “Well that complicates things”

“No it doesn’t” I growled “she’s in danger NOW! I have to save her” I ripped myself away from dad’s hands and began pacing again

“You know” mum said hugging dad from behind “If she really loves him she might stop killing our kind”

Dad nodded deep in thought. All of a sudden he stood up straighter. “I wouldn’t know where the Mercenaries are hiding but, if she really is your Mate” I cut him off with my growl “which I don’t doubt that she is” he added.  “Your wolf would be able to find her”

“Are you sure it will work over long distances?” I asked doubtful

“If you and your wolf have deep enough feelings for her then I’m sure it will”

“Thanks mum, Dad” I said hugging them both.

I was halfway out the door when mum shouted “Are you sure you don’t wasn’t to take time to figure out a plan?”

“I have to save her now, god knows what they could have done with her” I was barely able to say it with the deep growl that was erupting from my chest.

Once I was out the door I shifted into my wolf and fully opened myself up to it. I knew my wolf would be able to find our mate, I could feel it.

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