Chapter 11

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heey! so I decided to be nice and upload again so soon :)

so please dont forget to..........?????


sorry if its short but it's in Blake's POV so I hope that makes you happy


+++Blake P.O.V +++++

With my final resolve about Evangeline, I decided to put plan A into action.

Using my mind link with the rest of the pack I told them about my plan, with answers of agreement they all set off to capture that red-headed guy.

I knew he had to be the hunter; his clumsiness was all just an act to get us believing that he was innocent. And it was impossible that my own mate would kill werewolves, why would fate pair me with a hunter? It just ridiculous!


I had been wondering the streets for a while, finding myself following an amazing scent.

That was until Sean’s voice came through my mind link.

Blake, we have caught Walter and are holding him in the old warehouse just off Church street”

“Great! I’ll be there in a sec” I shot back as I turned around and started heading toward Church Street.


I had just entered through the back door of the warehouse when my ears were flooded with the sound of deep growling that vibrated through the building.

Alpha we have a problem. Turns out the red-haired guy is not the hunter, and the real hunter is here now” Dukes frantic voice sounded in my head.

Anger clouded my mind as I leapt into the air and gracefully shifted into my wolf.

The group of wolves parted for me as I made my way through the crowd, I could feel their anger grow larger and larger as I made my way toward the front.

As I turned to face Sean I couldn’t help but notice the sympathy the filled his gaze, but why would he be looking at me like that?

As soon as I looked towards the hunter I regretted doing it. Standing in the middle of wolves, was my Angel. Her knees were bent and she held a silver knife in her hand.

I felt my eyes widen in shock and my knees began to buckle as I thought about my mate looking at me with hatred.

But no she can’t be...she can’t be a hunter. Why would the wolf gods do this?

I took a slow step back hurt filling me from the inside out, but as soon as I did my pack leapt toward her.

The need to protect my mate replaced the hurt as I jumped in front of her, ready to take on my pack if they hurt her.

“Stop!”  I shouted letting my alpha tone seep into my voice “don’t attack”

My whole pack looked at me in shock and surprise as they took a couple of steps away from Evangeline and her red-haired friend.

As the path toward the door became clear I could feel my mate slowly back away from me. As she did hurt and sadness refilled me.   

Once they had left the building everyone started to shift back and put clothes on.

“I wonder what could have made her want to kill werewolves?” Sean said as he sat down beside me

“I have no idea” I answered in his head. I was a little distracted, I couldn’t stop thinking about was this would mean....for both me and my Angel.

“Maybe you can talk to her tomorrow, ask her why?” he suggested trying to be helpful

It was a good idea, at least it was worth a try...right?

My pack’s shock was ringing through my head, everyone of them asking loads of questions all at once. Tired and frustrated I let out a wolf like sigh and put up my mind’s walls to block everyone out.

I stood up on shaky legs and began to make my way to the back door of this cold place. It was cold because it is now a reminder of what she really is, it was cold because it no longer had her to warm it up with her strong and sure aura. It was cold because everyone in here probably hate her now, I couldn’t blame them as it was a werewolf’s natural instinct to hate a hunter, but I didn’t like the thought of my own pack hating my mate.


 That night I ran amongst the trees. I ran until my legs grew weak with exhaustion, I ran until my ears were ringing with only the sound of my heavy breathing, I ran until a small piece of my sorrow was gone. It was only a small piece though.

My brain was humming with constant worry for my mate. I don’t know why I was worried though she could take care of herself, that much was obvious. But my wolf still couldn’t stop worrying about her, I couldn’t stop worrying about her.

What if she hated me? But that was impossible right? she only saw my wolf, not me change into my wolf, so she couldn’t know that it was me.

But somehow, a small part of my brain reminded me, somehow she knows who is a werewolf and who isn’t. And that was was obvious, the way she kept glaring at all of the werewolves in the school, the fact that she avoided us when we were near.

But how? That was the real question, how could she know who was werewolf and who wasn’t?

In the end the run didn’t help me at all, it still left me with thousands of questions racing through my brain, causing a wreckage of grief and worry along the way.

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