Choapter 4

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The last two classes went by fast. I had P.E with Valery. We had to run 3 laps of the field; I came 2nd and would have probably come first if there wasn’t a werewolf in the class. We finished running our laps and played dodge ball, it hurt a lot and I’m still tending to my bruises now.

After P.E I had art with both Valery and Rainbow. Our art teacher, Mrs Woodcock, was really friendly which was something that creeped me out heaps. She got us to draw a picture of whatever we liked. Valery drew a picture of a group of people in a forest. Rainbow, being the happy and cheerful person she is, drew a picture of a little girl on a swing. After a long time of contemplating I finally decided on drawing a picture of a girl, wearing chainmail and holding a sword, sitting on a winged horse. Once everyone had finished their pictures the teacher went around the room to asses everyone’s drawing abilities, when she came to my picture she gasped and held it up for the whole class to see

“This is the level of drawing that I hope to get all of you to be at by the end of this term” Mrs Woodcock then turned to me to tell me what a good job I had done.  Even though she had complimented me I was slightly annoyed at Mrs Woodcock, I know that I’m good at art but I hate it when teachers hold my work up for everyone to see, it makes me feel uncomfortable and yes I hate to admit it, shy.

I was soon pulled out of my thoughts by Walter waving his hand in front of my face, “Are you alright you have been quiet all the way home”

“Yeah I’m fine. Just been thinking” I said as I opened the front door

“What about?”

“Just stuff”

“Okay how about we get something to eat?”  Walter headed towards the kitchen

“Sure. What is there to eat?”

“Umm there are noodles, pizza and cake”

“Cake, cake, cake!” my stomach was starting to grumble

“Fine, cake it is then”

Walter took the cake out of the cupboard and cut two pieces off and then put them on plates.

“Here you go then” he said handing over a plate with the chocolate cake on it

As soon as I sat down I begin to eat the creamy chocolate cake “Mmm this is so good. Who made it?”

“I made it while you were away last night”  

I turned to look at Walter, shock written all over my face “you made this? I didn’t know you could cook”

Walter smirked “There’s a lot you don’t know about me, young one”

“Pshh, who are you calling young?”

Walter was about to answer but a soft clicking of heels on the floor had obviously stopped him.

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