We walked into Shawn's class together, talking about the plans we had for prom, figuring we'd all go together in our big group.

"I haven't even found a dress," I frowned, setting my bag down.

I glanced around the room for Shawn, not seeing him before turning back to Chase.

"The guys and I are going tux shopping this weekend, I think."

"Tuxes are easy; just find the right fit. Thinking of asking anyone?" I asked, raising a brow playfully.

"I was thinking of asking one girl, but she's made it pretty clear she's not interested, so who knows?"

Did he mean me?

"You going with anyone, J?"

Shawn walked in at that moment, raising a brow at me, subtly awaiting my answer.

"Just the group. No date for me." I smiled, shaking my head.

Shawn moved over to his desk, going through a few papers to seem as if he was paying attention to something else, but I knew he was still listening.

"What about that dude from California?"

I snorted quietly, looking at Chase for a moment before glancing to Shawn, then back to Chase.

"I don't think I'll be seeing him again."

The bell rang, and we sat down in our seats as the last few students scurried into the classroom.

My phone buzzed, an excited text from Sasha in our group text.

Prom dress shopping ASAP!!!

Caroline replied instantly, just as excited.

I'm in!! Is everyone free today?

I typed out my response before hitting send.

I work tonite :( tomorrow? x

The two replied with thumbs up, following by Arizona's agreed response before I locked my phone and focused on Shawn, who was now teaching.

Damn... his ass looked good in those pants.


"Can I help you with anything?" I asked, smiling at the petite girl who was looking at the shirts.

"Just looking," She replied with a friendly smile.

"Let me know if you need anything!"

I walked back behind the counter, sighing as I looked over at my coworker, Jade, before reaching for my tea.

"I have a love hate relationships with working during the week." I hummed. "It's not as busy as the weekends, but that's what makes time lag."

"Maybe today's our lucky day," Jade hummed, wiggling her brows. "Hot dude over there."

"You know if he's here, he's probably got a girlfriend." I rolled my eyes, following her gaze before locking eyes with Jack.

Mr. Mendes | shawn mendesWhere stories live. Discover now