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♡You are summer
to my winter Heart♡


It hurt me, it did.

It hurt me to walk away from you that day.

Sanha, its been days. And you've been ignoring me. I don't like it.

As weird as it is to say this, but i miss you.

I constant talking, your braces flashing from your beautiful smile (yes, this is when Sanha was still wearing his cute little braces).

You're multi color shoes lighting up the hall, making them able to spot you from a mile away.

Sanha, come back to me.

Jinjin was telling me that you hate me now. But I don't believe him. We both know you are not capable to hate.

I see you and MJ have became close, its strange to see you two friends. Because you guys never really talked. Have you replaced me already, my precious Beagle?

Do you guys do the same thing that you and I use to do?

If so, that's mean.

I think it's my turn to leave you a note, I feel selfish for doing you wrong.

For leaving you alone to grieve about your brother jun-ho's death. (not his brother's name)

Is strawberry ChocoPuff bars still you're favorite snack?

Is pink still your favorite color?

Am I still in your heart like you said?

Here's my note Sanha, took me a while to write it.

"I've realized that I can't un-love you Sanha, I tried, i did.

And the reason why I tried is because, I thought I wasn't good enough for you. Because baby, you deserve everything that this universe gives you.

Maybe I'm scared, scared of being alone all over again. You mean so much to me, more than any other person, including my parents.

You are everything I think about, need and want, day and night.

Jinjin ask why do I still love you and honestly, I never stopped. There's just something about you that has kept me locked inside that caring heart of yours.

But I still love you, more than to just to the moon and back. I can't really explain it through words, but Sanha, if you really love me still. Meet me at our old tree house. Then I'll show you how much I love you.

Because Sanha, I want you, so be brave and want me back too.

This makes me so sad, why do i do this to myself?

This makes me so sad, why do i do this to myself?VALENTINES DAY SPECIAL! ARE YOU READY?

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