one-shot 2

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(Just to let you know this will be a 2-part one-shot. It was too long to be a one-shot, so I just split it into 2 parts, but don't worry they're both going to be poster back-to-back. Enjoy!)

We just finished classes, all of us walked together out of the school, when all of the sudden we all felt a buzz, we pulled out our stones, Zordon was basically telling us he needed us to come to the morphing grid. Jason unwrapped his arm from around my shoulder, "let's go guys!" h exclaimed, "I can drive" I said, and we all piled into my car, and I rushed us to the quarry. We got there quickly and did our usual thing and ran to the morphing grid once inside, Alpha 5 and Zordon looked worried when we arrived. "Thank you for getting here quickly rangers, there's a monster terrorizing people on the other side of Angelgrove" Zordon explained, a projection showed us what we would be dealing with, the monster was terrorizing some miners at another quarry on the other side of town. "His name is Digster, and he was sent here by Rita to destroy Angelgrove", he explained then continued, "Alpha 5 and I created some knew equipment to aid you in this battle, they're called geo-cycles and you will find them with your zords. Be wary of this monster, he gets impatient very quickly and he will use a special kind of grenade that will cause a rushing flow of magma to appear, my team and I battled him once and he was a difficult opponent, he will try to summon magma minions" Zordon finished. We all nodded and rushed out of the room and ran to the zord room, there in the middle of the room were the geo-cycles, and man were these things bad-ass.

(everyone's bike looks like this, this one is maddy's of course, and of course everyone else's bike matches their color also)

"Alright!" Zack and I shouted, we high-fived and were the first to rush to the new weapons, I think it was safe to say we were the most excited

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"Alright!" Zack and I shouted, we high-fived and were the first to rush to the new weapons, I think it was safe to say we were the most excited. These bikes were absolutely amazing, we all climbed on and the bikes turned on and a side of the wall opened up to the mountain-side, "let's go kick this things ass!" Jason shouted, we all cheered and zoomed out of there, hollering in excitement. These things went very fast, and they even had a GPS-like thing that showed us exactly where the monster was, so we found him in a matter of no time, we parked at the edge of the forests. The monster was currently in a clearing, drilling holes into the ground with a staff-looking thing, pulling out magma, for god knows what, "hey!" Jason shouted and the monster flinched, "power rangers" he spat, and stopped what he was doing to face us fully. "How about you stop what you're doing and go crawling back to Rita, and we won't kick your ass" Jason explained, this pissed him off, he pulled out a grenade and pulled the pin then threw it in our direction, we all scrambled out of the way, retreating back into the woods. When the grenade made contact with the ground, magma suddenly shot out, "yikes" I breathed and looked at Jason, and for a split second, he seemed worried.

Jason quickly brushed off the worry and stood up, he called us all together, we were hidden enough from the monster in the woods so he couldn't see us, "everyone fans out, avoid those things at all costs, I don't know how well our armor will protect us, and when I give the signal we all jump out and attack at the same time" he said, we all nodded and spread out. "How cute, you guys are playing hide-an-seek! If that's the case, then let's play!" he shouted, I smirked and look at Jason for the signal, Jason made eye-contact with everyone, then nodded, we all jumped into the air and came down onto Digster, Jason's plan worked will, he couldn't track us all, so he just threw as many grenades as possible in every direction, most of them were way off course and the ones that weren't, were easily dodge able. We attacked swiftly and fought the monster with hand-to-hand combat, Zordon failed to mention that he was a good fighter also, because even with all 6 of us, Digster was still somewhat of a challenge. Digster had enough of our continuous attacking, he screamed in anger, we all backed off, not sure what he was about to do, until he slammed his staff into the ground, creating a mini earthquake, nocking us all off our feet.

"I've had enough of you annoying rangers, you can deal with my minions!" he shouted, I scrambled to get up, "no!" I shouted and slammed into him before he could summon them, I managed to knock him off his feet a little, but not by much. He simply grabbed my arms and slammed me into the ground, knocking the breath out of me in the process. He summoned the minions in a matter of seconds, then disappeared. 100 minions appeared up from the ground, and we all struggled to get up, "well shit" I breathed, as we all finally stood up. The minions roared and charged at us, "well this is going to be fun" Zack joked, and we all got in the ready position, and waited for the fight.

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