Chapter 6

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(just pretend it's Maddy and Jason in all the pictures)

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(just pretend it's Maddy and Jason in all the pictures)

Maddy's POV

We all looked up at the ship in amazement, "you think there's aliens in here?" Zack asked, Jason told him to be quiet, I agree, sometimes Zack talks too much. "Billy! Look at how the rocks are growing around the ship" I pointed out, he nodded, this is what we always dreamed of finding, and here we are. We all walked in side, it was freezing inside, it would be nice to have Jason's jacket right now, speaking of which I still need to give it back. "Hey guys" Jason said getting out attention, he pulled out his stone, which was blinking red, I pulled out mine and it was doing the same thing, but mine was blinking white. A metal door behind us shifted open, scaring us slightly, we decided to climb the steps, Jason led the way to the top where the door opened, the door led to what looked like the center of the spaceship. We all walked in, this thing was huge, we all walked around and looked at everything, it was absolutely amazing in my opinion. After looking around for a little while "Jason, is this real?" Billy asked, Jason was too shocked to speak, "yes, it's real" I answered for him, Billy still didn't understand how we were in a spaceship right now, I don't think any of us really grasped the situation completely. "Just breath Billy" I told him, he took in a couple deep breaths, which calmed him down, "I think we've all seen enough" Jason spoke up, we all looked at him, I agreed with him, but then I didn't because I wanted to stay and explore some more. "We should really go, like now" Trini demanded, "What?" Zack yelled, he ran towards Trini, "we're going to be famous" Zack was referring to the fact that if this got out, then everyone would want to know about the mysterious space ship uncovered in Angel Grove.

"What's wrong with you?" I demanded, I put my hands on my hips, "no one, and I repeat, no one needs to know about this, not yet" I told him seriously. Zack started to protest, "quite!" Jason told the two of us, we stopped and looked at him, "there's something here" Jason whispered, while swinging his head around, he must have heard something. "What is it?" I asked him, I put my hand on his arm, he was very tense, we all looked around, trying to find what he had heard. We didn't see anything, but were frightened half to death when a door started to open, the previous steps we had come up had closed, while the rest of the inside of the ship started to shift around, "shit!" I said, "what's going on?" someone asked, I wasn't sure, I was too focused on everything that was moving. "That way. Let's go!" Jason pointed, everyone started to run, but I stayed, frozen in my spot. I heard someone run up behind me, they forcefully grabbed my arm and forced my body to start running. Jason had been the one to come back for me, "run!" he shouted at me, "I am!" I shouted back, Jason ran a little ahead of me, he now held my hand. Everyone had run in different directions, and I was too busy from running in fear to notice the electricity shooting through my hand from Jason's touch.

"C'mon, c'mon!" Jason urged me, he ran us up a set of stairs, and he turned a corner so fast that I didn't have time to react and ran right past him. Thankfully Jason grabbed my arm once again, he slammed me against a wall, in his defense, he did it as gently as someone in our current situation could. He quickly put his body in front of me, blocking me from anyone's view,

Love Me Until the End//Jason ScottDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora