Chapter 15

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We made it to the field, I parked the car and we both got out, I made sure to lock the car, then caught up to Jason, who stopped to wait for me. He held his hand out to me, which I took and we jogged to the middle of the field, Zack and Billy had already gotten there. "Hey, wait up you two!" Kimberly shouted, she was right behind Jason and I, she jogged after us, and when she got to us, her eyes immediately looked down at our conjoined hands and smirked, I elbowed her gently, and Jason let go of my hand and went to talk to Zack and Billy. "You guys are too cute" Kim leaned over and whispered, I smiled, then coughed embarrassedly, "so you two just happened to arrive together?" she continued pushing. I knew she wanted me to explain myself, and I did, I caved in, "fine! yes we came together, I snuck out and went to his house to tell him about the Ty situation" I whispered, Kim grabbed my arm, "how did he take it?" she asked, I smiled, "he actually took the news really well, and after that we kind of had a heavy make-out session. I don't know what would have happened if Trini didn't text the group" I finished, my sister squealed and jumped up and down.

I couldn't help, but chuckle at her excitement over what I had just told her, I could see Jason smiling at the two of us, "so we all got the same text, so where is she?" Kim asked out loud, "I'm here!" we all looked up to see Trini coming out of one of the stand entrances. She looked horrible, she had a couple cuts on her face, and she looked scared, "Trini, are you alright?" I asked seriously, and started climbing the steps, hoping to get closer and inspect her wounds. The others also climbed up the steps behind me, I got closer and gently put my finger on her cheek, and gently turned her head to get a better look, "man Rita got you good, didn't she?" I whispered, Trini shoved my finger off her face, "I'm fine! Look she came to my house" Trini said, I could hear Kim gasp from behind. "Yeah, she's real" Trini paused to pull down the collar of her shirt, "real insane", she had three scratch marks running down the side of her neck. "I'm so sorry this happened to you, if you want, I have a med kit in my car. I can clean that up for you?" I asked her quietly, "I'll be fine, but thanks" she said, then continued, "she nearly killed me. She's trying to get me to join her team, she said she'd spare my life if I kept a secret", Zack interrupted her, "what secret?" he asked, "she said, 'act on, and the destruction of Angel Grove begins'", Trini finished.

"This is real. This is the end" Kim stated, I quickly turned to face the group, "No! It's not", Jason joined my side and grabbed my hand reassuringly, "Maddy's right, it isn't the end, where is she?" Jason turned his head around and asked Trini. Trini sighed, "she said to meet her where the dead ships live", Jason nodded and faced the group again, "okay, that's the boatyard by the docks" Jason stated, then let go of my hand and climbed to the very top step, so he could look over us. "Let's go!" he said, Zack immediately disagreed, and the others didn't say anything, "are you serious? No one?" Jason asked us angrily, "Jason we're not even power rangers yet" Trini said, "I say we go back to Zordon" Billy stated. Jason stepped down a couple steps, "okay, the only reason Zordon wanted us to become power rangers was so that he could come back to life" Jason stated angrily, "what makes you say that?" Billy asked, I quickly joined Jason's side, "because I was there" I met Jason's eyes and grabbed his hand, and clutched it tightly, "Jason's telling the truth, Zordon's been using us" I said. Billy looked the most disappointed, "so this was all a lie?" he asked, "of course it was a lie, Billy. We failed! Let's stop being delusional about being a team of superheroes. We're all screw-ups" Jason said loudly, he looked everyone in the eyes while speaking, even me. "But as much as I hate this bullshit town... I don't wanna just sit around and watch it die, okay?" he said, much quieter, "let's just go ahead and do the one thing that was asked of us" I said, "let's kill Rita" Jason finished my sentence.

Kim interrupted, "you know this is a really bad idea, right?" she asked everyone, but we didn't care, "the worst" Jason and I said, he would know about bad ideas. "Let's vote! Show of hands" Jason said, Trini smiled, she was the first to raise her hand...then Kimberly...then Zack...Jason and I raised out conjoined hands... and finally all that was left was Billy. We all looked at him, and he raised his hand, "let's do this" I spat, and we all ran out of the stadium, and headed to the docks, it was about a 10minute walk from the stadium. We all gathered different sorts of weapons, like chains and metal renches, you get the idea, and continued walking through the ship graveyard. 

Love Me Until the End//Jason ScottWhere stories live. Discover now