Chapter 13

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Maddy's POV

I finally cooled off a little after we left, Jason not so much, he was still fuming, it wasn't until now after all the adrenaline from today wore off did I start feeling pain in my knee again. I hissed out in pain slightly when my foot stepped down wrong, and my knee buckled a little, I had to stop walking for a second, Jason stopped walking also, all the anger on his face had washed away when he looked at me. "Hop on my back" he said, "what?" I laughed, he smiled and turned to me, he brought his face closer to mine, "hop... on... my... back" he whispered, his lips were so close to mine, I leaned in and met our lips, but as quick as I connected them, I disconnected them, "okay" I said. He smiled and turned around, and bent down, I hoped on his back, his hands cradled my legs, I could help but wince from jumping, Jason heard me, he turned his head around, "that's why" he laughed, I kissed his cheek, "thank you" I mumbled into the kiss. He nodded and started walking, "so what did you mean by earlier when you asked about Zordon's wife, I didn't even know he had a wife, none of us do" Jason said, I sighed, he was going to find out at some point, as were the others. "Do you remember when we first found out about all of this and everyone left?" I asked, he nodded, "well when you all left, I asked Zordon what he meant when he said you and I were both supposed to train everyone" I continued, Jason nodded letting me know he was listening.

"He told me that he once had a wife, her name was Tali, and she was the white ranger. he told me that I would play the part as your guidance, he said you would need the most, being leader an all. I'm basically your anchor, I'm supposed to encourage you, etc." I finished, Jason didn't say anything, and suddenly I felt nervous, this is why I hadn't mentioned it yet. "I'm sorry if that made you angry or something, it's not that Zordon doesn't trust you, it's your job as leader is going to be the hardest, I'm sor..." but Jason never let me finish. He stopped walking, "I'm not offended by what he told you, it makes sense, it's just... I told Zordon his team was dead, which includes his wife. I can't imagine what it must have been like to see the love of your life... die, and I basically rubbed it into his face" he answered, he sounded so guilty, I sighed and set my head down on his shoulder. "You didn't know, Zordon isn't going to hold a grudge against you for something you didn't know" I mumbled into his shoulder blade. Jason started walking again, "I hope your right" he whispered, after that we said nothing, it was a bit uncomfortable, I could tell Jason's guilt was eating at him, and I feel bad because it's my job to pick him up when he's down, and right now, I'm not doing so hot.

We finally made it out, we noticed the others had actually stayed behind, they built a nice bonfire. 

Jason wouldn't let me off of his back, even after a lot of protesting from my end, I think he actually enjoyed carrying me, maybe I'll let him do it more often

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Jason wouldn't let me off of his back, even after a lot of protesting from my end, I think he actually enjoyed carrying me, maybe I'll let him do it more often. As we got closer to the other's, everyone noticed us, "what happened back there?" Zack asked, "nothing" Jason said, not bothering to look at him, he was looking for a spot to set me down. Trini patted a seat next to her, Jason walked over and gently set me down, and I sat on the log, it felt so good to get weight off my leg. Jason then pushed a log next to mine, and sat down, "how's' the knee?" Trini leaned over and whispered, I looked at her, "good, it's good, just a little sore, how's the head?" I asked, she smiled, and answered the same way I did. Zack had heard us, "I'm sorry you guys, really, it was stupid of me. I didn't mean for anyone to get hurt, sometimes... I'm too curious for my own good" he said, we both smiled at him, I had forgiven him at this point, no point in holding on to the anger. "We forgive you" we both said, Zack smiled, then turned around, when he turned around he had what looked like 2 beers in his hand. He got up and walked over to Jason and I, "please accept these beers as a token of apology, for the punch" Zack handed a beer to Jason, "and for the knee" he handed me the other, we both thanked him, and popped of the tops.

Love Me Until the End//Jason Scottजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें