Chapter 9

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Maddy's POV

We all walked into the spaceship, and stood in front of Zordon, he seemed pleased that everyone had decided to show. "You need to follow the three rules to being a power ranger" Zordon said, "you must never use your powers for personal gain. You must never escalate a fight, unless your enemy forces you to. And finally..." Zordon got more serious, "you must never reveal your identity, ever!" he explained. "To assume your ranger identities, you need to morph, have any of you morphed before?" Zordon asked, "yes", we all turned to look at Zack, "but only in the shower" Zack joked, we all laughed at his little joke. Alpha 5 was having none of it, "okay, okay, lets step into the footprints please" he told us, we all walked to our spots from yesterday, and got onto the platforms. "Standing in this circle as a team, you can easily connect to the morphing grid. Do you feel it?" Zordon asked, I don't know about the others, but I definitely felt the power. "No, I don't feel it" Zack said, some of the others nodded in agreement, "you need to morph to get your armor" Zordon explained. Billy got so excited, he giddily clapped his hands, "I knew it! We do get armor? Jason, we get armor!" Billy exclaimed.

"Cool, when do we get this armor?" Zack asked, "you already have it inside of you. You bring it out by connecting to each other, and connecting to the morphing grid" Zordon explained. "Clear your minds, and focus" Zordon said, after that we all kind of went into a trance, we felt the power and strength of the morphing grid while Zordon explained even further. "Power Rangers were a legion of warriors, sworn to protect life" Zordon said, the projection in front of us got bigger and brighter, as Zordon continued, "you must become these warriors", he finished. The room felt like it was starting to spin, time seemed to speed up, the morphing grid started to freak out, 

 The room felt like it was starting to spin, time seemed to speed up, the morphing grid started to freak out, 

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then the it died, the room got dark again. It didn't work, I didn't expect it to, at this point, we weren't a team yet. "Alpha 5, why didn't it work, why didn't they morph?" Zordon asked, "I don't know sir. It is disturbing, very disturbing" Alpha 5 sounded, disappointed, and I could tell Zordon was definitely disappointed. Alpha 5 tried to reason with Zordon, explaining how this might take some time for us, "we don't have time!" Zordon exclaimed, "if they can't morph, what are we supposed to do?" Alpha 5 asked.

Zordon sighed, "they will have to train without armor, they need to prepare", he said, this shocked Alpha 5 and us, "without armor?" Alpha 5 asked, "Sir, that will be very painful" Alpha 5 tried to reason, I looked at Jason, a little scared. "Take them down to the pit" Zordon demanded, "Jason, I don't want to find out what the pit is" Billy whispered to him, I grabbed Billy's arm and dragged him with us. I was definitely scared, but I didn't show it, I walked in between Billy and my sister on the way down. Alpha 5 led us even further down, until we got the end, in front of us was a perfect training place. "So, this is the pit, it's nice right?" 

 "So, this is the pit, it's nice right?" 

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Love Me Until the End//Jason ScottWhere stories live. Discover now