Chapter 29

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Blue and white paint was chipping off the walls of the old large house in front of me. It seemed to scream for a complete do over and I could already see what problems this paper wanted to tell.

The yard was mostly dirt and dirty toys were scattered all over. I pressed open the gate, loud screeching noice as it opened. Yup.

I came up to the door, paint stripping off from the years. I knocked. A young girl and boy opened the door. The boy, seeming around age 12, and the girl, around age 10, stood there scared.

"Hi, I'm the Luna." I crouched down. "I looking for Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds." The little boy picked up who I assumed was his sister and motioned us to follow. I shrugged and began walking.

Up two very small flight of stairs and we ended up in front of a door at the end of a hallways. The floors creaked with every step we took and I could tell there were a couple mice here and there.

This was sad.

This will be my first project and I will be proud of it.

I knocked on the door both children staring at me bewildered. The little girl motioned me to pick her up.

Okay I got this.

Putting the little girl on my hip, the brother stood there waiting with us. The door opened and stood an older couple, tired, run down, weak, and cold. Another problem.

The building and help. That's what they needed.

"Luna..." they're surprised faces had me smiling as I giggled a little. "What gives us the honor of having you here." The woman says.

Lizzy brought out the paper and both they're faces kept they're shocked looks. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's just we've been waiting for so long for that paper to be answered. We felt we were forgotten." Mrs Reynolds teared up happily.

I thought for a moment as Lizzy began talking to them about what they needed.

Well for one they need a break.

"Well I can see why you needed help." I started. They nodded they're heads knowing exactly what I'm talking about. I glanced around me. "My treat, you two go out and the children and you two can stay at the pack house for a while. I'll get some males and see what we can fix today."

"Are you sure Luna?" I put my hand up. "Hayley is fine." I assured. "And yes I'm sure."

They glanced between one another. "I'm just saying. The alpha doesn't want this house changed because it's historical to the pack." I nodded my head. Well if he doesn't want changes. How fast can we build another building.

"Okay Lizzy. How great are you with kids?"


Lizzy offered to help while I was gone. She's watching the kids while I'm trying to figure out what to do.

Now there makes here to major in building and plumbing and sorts. I just can't seem to find the building in such a maze.

It took me 20 min to find the building. In front had the packs logo. I walked in all heads shooting towards me. "Luna, how can I help you?"

"How fast can you build build a three story home?" I asked.

The blunt question shocked them as they started doing the math. "Well the fastest we can do is two days, but to have it fully functional three." I nodded my head. "And where would the best place to do so?" I asked again.

He pulled out a map examining it. "Well there's one at the rim of the pack and one more near the center."

I nodded my head. I put a check mark on the the spot I wanted. "Do you guys think you can build this for me?" I asked.

"Well I don't mean to be nosy, my Luna, but what is this for?"

I nodded my head understanding. "Well those poor orphans live in such a disturbing home I feel they need a more stable place to live. And I'm not going to stand for it." I stared down where it would be build and the big red X mark.

A moment of silence passed then Jim, or as his name tag read, spoke. "My men and I will get started right away." I smiled up at him and the men filed out.

I like helping people as Luna.

My way back to the orphanage as short and fantastic. People how now they're heads at me, probably hearing about my project. No one really glared at me besides my mates fan girls.

As I walked up to the door I looked at the calendar underneath the papers that sat in my arm.

The month is almost over. That means Mating season is going to happen soon. Everyone's heat is going to start.

Mating season is one of the most difficult seasons to get through. Mostly for mateless wolves. It's painful at times and sometimes it's just hard to resist. Everyone's hormones are off the charts. This is around the time my brothers would lock me up. It almost like a summer vacation for young wolves. They don't want kids hooking up in the bathrooms or janitors closets. So they made it a vacation for families to look over they're kids.

I basically in my room the entire time. And let's just say my brothers and they're mates aren't always quiet.

I walked inside seeing Lizzy as a jungle gym for about 20 kids I want to say. She was laughing and having fun. I wonder would she like to work here?

All heads turned to me. Mr Reynolds was probably outside as Mrs Reynolds was in the kitchen making lunch. It honestly made my heart ache to see them so joyous in such a beat up home. How well this couple raised them.

Some pups here were older. Almost my age.

They seemed to be just sitting around and watching. Waiting. They wanted out, but said they're being held back. They could leave if they wanted too.

"Hi." I shyly say. All the kids jumps onto me knocking me into the floor. I started laughing.

This has really been a great day.

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