Chapter 12

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I ended up stopping for gas in a nearby town. The sun was setting and I grew tired the more time passed. I was hungry, tired, cold, and lonely. I needed to do this. Don't think of this as losing your family. Think of this as gaining it back.

After I loaded up on gas I started back on the road and sped off in looks for a cheap hotel. Nothing too sketchy though. I don't want trouble. After about an hour of searching, I found one. This town seemed off tho. The people were EXTREMELY good looking. A little too good looking for humans. I parked my bike in the hotel and walked inside.

It was cute. The carpet seemed new and the walls seemed like if a fresh coat of paint just dried a few days ago. I walked to the front desk and noticed it was empty. I rang the small bell alerting whoever owned the place.

A man came out and sat down. He was a werewolf by his aura. A beta to be precise. What is a beta doing owning a cute hotel like this one? He stood there staring at me as I did him. Sweat grew on my forehead as I gulped.

"Are you... Are you a rouge?" He asked unsurely. I guess I never took in my aura. I belonged to a pack, but my pack would be considered dead. "I-I don't know... I guess." I said scratching the back of my head nervously. "Then what are you doing here?" He snapped. I sighed shakily. "I just need a place to stay tonight then I'll be on my way. I don't want trouble." I say trying to show confidence.

He let out a long sigh. He began typing on his computer and then handed me a key. "Room 207. Don't bother paying." He said. His brown shaggy hair made his tan skin glow. His brown eyes were soft. He was muscular and he knew he was good looking. I nodded and grabbed the key muttering a soft thank you making my way upstairs.

I need to find out where I should start. I could just ask some packs if they know any information on those wolves, but they would grow suspicious and probably shoo me off. I need to be smart.

I turned the key into a small, but a very cute room. A small queen size bed sat in the middle and a small dresser sat beside it. I closed and locked the door before setting my bag down. I didn't want to get my bed dirty and my body screamed for a shower. I grabbed some undergarments and some sweatpants and one of my sweaters and walked into the bathroom.

I let the water run to let it warm up and took in my appearance in the mirror. No wonder that Beta asked me questions I looked like a reck. My hair looked messy from the helmet and my eyes looked red and tired. I was a little dirty, but I could care less at the moment. I looked at my clothes realizing that the sweater was Jermey's.

I smiled and began taking off my clothes. When I was completely naked I took in my appearance once more. I had some scares and cuts around my arms and torso. I turned around to my back and there was a huge claw mark going down my back... like a marking. I don't remember getting this.

I shuddered and hopped into the shower and wash clean. I need to just clear my head. The steamy water hitting my back felt extremely nice on my tense muscles. Not like I had much of. After I finished I moisturized myself with the given soaps and lotions there and slipped on my clothes. Being clean really felt nice and my wolf finally relaxed a little.

I plopped down on the soft bed and just laid there. Now let's think... what are some clues. Well, I know the flag and logo that's a start. But that letter...

I sat up putting my backpack closer and took out the letter. Something seemed off. The letter was pitch black and the word 'soon' was in bold gold letters. Why was the paper so thick? And what was soon?

I slapped my back down on the mattress and held up the letter blocking the ceiling light. What surprised me next was how the light didn't shine through the paper. What if there's something between it.

'Between what?' My wolf grew anxious. 'What crawled up your butt.' I snapped. 'Sorry, just I feel like something is going to happen right now.' She paced in my head. 'It's okay it's been pretty stressful lately and I shouldn't take it out on you.' I say. 'After all, they're your family too.'

All I felt was her nodding, but she still paced. I was going to examine the paper some more when a knock came to the door. These walls weren't soundproof probably because lots of humans mostly stay here, but they were werewolf proof as in not able to break easily. I walked toward the door fixing my clothes.

Standing on my tip toes I peaked through the peak hole seeing the beta. I slowly opened the door only to have it stopped partially by the door chain lock. "Um, can I help you?" I asked. "Oh um... not to disturb you, but due to this town owned by our... I mean my Alpha. He has asked to meet you just to assure the pack you are of no threat." He spoke.

I thought for a moment. "And if I refuse?" I question with a raised eyebrow. "Let's hope we don't get down to that." Sternly he spoke straightening his posture making him look more intimidating. I quickly slammed the door locking it. I was packing all my stuff when I heard banging on the door. "Open up!"

I quickly snatched my shoes on and tightened the backpack around me. I made my way to the window ready to jump. The pounding on the door quickened and I jumped for it. I ran gracefully and jumped onto my bike. When I zoomed off, the Beta almost caught me, but I sped away promising next time I won't stop here.

My Seven Older BrothersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora