Chapter 1

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Okay, first things first. When I post a new book or anything I like to try to finish it or get as many chapters done as I can.

I like saying this at the beginning because people do, do this and it's annoying. If you don't have anything nice to say don't say It at all. If you don't like my book don't read it.

I love to read comments so feel free to give comments and to NICELY point out spelling errors I'd appreciate it. If you do see a negative comment just ignore it. It's not worth your valuable time. Alright hope you all and enjoy this book.

Just wanted to point out I'm one of 7 kids. My mom adopted my cousins because my aunt died and I got slapped in the middle because I had two older sisters. So now I had three older siblings and three younger ones. Some of these stories about siblings will be in here because I know the trouble. Lol. For example, one of my blood sisters eloped and the other one right now is engaged. My cousins and I always were close but we fight like siblings now and that could be hard. The funniest part, we're all girls but the youngest one is a boy. That's where I got the idea so thank you, little brother/cousin. Alright, enjoy!!


Do you know the feeling of being constantly annoyed by your siblings or sibling? Well for me it always seems like I never get a moment to myself. Or at the least, it feels that way.

I have SEVEN older brothers and I'm the youngest. My only two friends, Blake and Sabrina, are practically family. They're always a part of they're devilish pranks. As much as I love my brothers I wish I was an only child for once. At least for a day.

I walked through the crowded hallways and slithered through the moody teenagers on a Monday morning. This is a werewolf school it's right on our pack grounds which is the reason we don't come in contact with many humans. The blue lockers that leaned against the walls complemented the white floor. Classrooms were every few twenty feet away from each other and the numbers increased as I passed them.

Student loitered and talked as they waiting for the bell to ring. I, on the other hand, was trying to see over the large crowd. You see I'm only 5'3 werewolf girls are usually tall and proud and the boys... well obviously they'd be taller. In my case, it's not my fault. It's unusual because my wolf is even small. I would stand under an Alpha Wolf and stand straight up.

But that's not the point. The point of this story is to tell you about my life and how it got from semi-good to bad. Now I'm right trying to survive school it's my last year and we have one more semester before I graduate.

I finally reached my locker only to be disappointed by the rings yelling that first period has begun. Quickly rummaging through my locker I shoved whatever I didn't need inside my locker and ran as fast as I could to class.

When I walked in all eyes were on me. "Is there a reason why you are late?" The teacher's raspy voice snapped me from my embarrassing moment. I opened my mouth to speak, but knowing this impatient woman she cut me off. "Let me guess couldn't get through the crowd again?..." she teased rudely. The class laughter filled the room as she stared at me waiting for my answer. "Oh great I see we're on the same page..." I made my way to my seat. "because it's a hassle to explain that, but it seems you've answered it for me." I fake laughed.

"Is that sass?" Her voice grew louder. "No," I say sarcastically. Her eyes shot from her dull blue color to a red. With her werewolf speed, she picked me up by my neck with ease. My chest started to elevate up and down from the lack of air in my lungs. Black spots started to blur my vision.

"Drop her." I fell to the floor gasping for air. My eyes started to water a little, but I pushed them back. Two strong hands helped me up. I knew exactly who it was. I looked up to see the Black-haired moron I called my friend.

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