Chapter 21

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Now it's just Xander and I watching a movie. Marley went into her room to sort the cloths and insisted she could do it. I took her up on that and claimed to get my bags after the movie. I decided to let him choose the movie. He fought me on it, but I pouted and he sighed and did what I said.

Who knew I had him around my finger or in guy language he's whipped. I know this from my brothers. It's quite amusing seeing what they would do for them. The movie was suddenly paused.

"So I know we're going out tomorrow and such, but I haven't gotten the chance to get to know... well you. So tell me about yourself." Xander smiled putting an arm around me. "Um..." I didn't know what to say.

"How bout this 20 questions." I say. He thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

"Question 1. Have you ever dated before me?" He asked. I wanted to start laughing. "Only once, but it was a once time thing and all we did was hang out with friends." I smile at his jealousy.

"Question 2. Have YOU ever been in any relationships?" I asked. He scratched the back of his head nervously. "Yes." He sighed shamelessly. "But non of them made me feel the way you make me feel." He grazed his finger across my cheek. At least he shows it.

"Question 3. Favorite color?" Okay we went from high school to kindergarten questions. "Mint green." I say. He laughed softly before responding. "Me too."

"Question 4. Favorite type food?" I asked following his route of questions. "Italian." He spike trying to mimic a Italian accent. We both shared a laugh as he failed.

"Question 5. Do you have any family?" He asked. I could feel the color drain from my face. I turned my attention finding my hands suddenly more interesting on my lap. "Hey wait I'm sorry I didn't mean to strike a sensitive subject." He soothed moving my face to face his.

"No it's okay." I sighed. 'Don't. Lie.' Was all I could think about. "I had an amazing mother. And seven amazing Older Brothers." I smiles choking back my tears.

Xander's eyes nearly popped out of his skull. "Seven?" I nodded my head. "Had?" He asked again. I nodded my head sadly this time. "W-what happened to them?" He asked having a mental debate if he should have even asked. "Let's... lets just say maybe I'll find them one day." I smiled tears threatening to spill.

My eyes found they're way back into my lap. Warmth spread across my shoulder and Xander pulled me into his body. I breathed in his scent letting it develop me whole. I could feel his hot breath on my head and his finger began playing with my hair.

"Wanna stop the questions here or..." he stopped in mid-sentence letting me finish for him. "One more?" I asked. He nodded letting me take the spot light.

Question 6. Why all of the sudden?" I finally asked facing him. Confusion spread across his face as he stopped twirling the piece of my hair. "What do you mean all of the sudden?" He asked.

"I mean why are you suddenly asking me these questions. Why do you suddenly want to know my back story when we both know we'll be together. Forever. And force it earlier." I asked. Blush spread across his face as a stupid grin was forcing on him. I raised a brow as he started laughing.

Was he laughing at me?

I looked away in embarrassment ready to take my leave. When his hand grabbed my arm. "I thought I was the only one who thought we'd be together. Hearing those words out of your mouth was like music to my ears. Especially in your voice. Hayley technically I was supposed to ask when you set foot in my... no our territory, but you ran. And I'm glad you came back. I'm glad I found you. And I want to be there through thick and thin by your side. I'll always be there for you. I will never ever leave you. Because I can see a future between me and you."

I don't know what compelled me to do so, but I threw my body on top of his. Pinning him to the couch with all my might.

My lips pressed against his.

Sparks everywhere I swear if these sparks were visible a fire would strike out. My lips tingled as our small make-out session slowed. I pulled away from him slowly opening my eyes meeting his. My face probably a tomato and his smile growing wider than the Cheshire Cat.

I think I'm falling in love.


He walked to up to my room and before I opened the door we kissed again. As I walked into my room he closed my door for me, but don't think I didn't notice the confusion on his face before he left.

Why was he confused? I decided to brush it aside for now and made my way into the comfy bed letting the sleep envelope me. I let my eyes drift shut.

I could only think about my future. My brothers here beside me. Me married. Kids. My mother with me. My role model is what I should say. I want to be like her. I want her to always be in my life.

I can see my niece and nephew growing up. I could see the surviving pack members living in MY pack.

I can see a life I could ever dream of. But for that to happen I need to save them. I need to protect MY pack from what happened to my last. And that's a Luna's job. To protect her pack. To protect her mate. To be a leader aside her Alpha mate.

I want to be the best Luna this pack has ever seen. I'm going to protect them.

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