Chapter 8

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This chapter has turned out very confusing because I've been very busy with school and shit. I'm sorry I promise I'll Update better in the future. Oh and sorry for the sudden plot twist, I was in a bad mood...ops 😬. Enjoy ♥️🙃

Draco's POV

As we got closer to Hogwarts I was having an argument in my mind of whether I should tell Harry about me telling McGonagall about us dating or not.

"Draco?" Harry asked trying to get my attention.

After I while I decided that it was best to just tell him.

"Well I may have kind of-told McGonagall that we're dating" I said looking down. Scared of what might come next.

What if he breaks up with me? What if he gets mad? What if he leaves me? What if he hates me agai-

My thoughts were cut off by Harry lifting my chin up softly.

"Draco, calm your face. I'm not mad, it's fine, I understand you had to tell her. She'd find out either way anyways" he said as he slowing leaned in and connected his soft lips with mine.

I immediately kissed back. I felt him smile through the kiss, which made me smile too. After a while we pulled away, our foreheads touching as we stared into each other's eyes.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you too, Draco." He said with loving eyes.

Our moment was broken when the train came to a stop. We got off and got our stuff.

                     Skip to later in the dorm
                     After days of staying.

It's been days since Harry and I were here, I'd need to reveal the truth soon, but my thoughts have been weird. This is bad, really really bad, I can't fal-.

"Hey Draco? It's getting boring. Wanna go to hogsmade?" Harry asked. I nodded.

Once we arrived, we decided to get butter beer. A guy that looked almost our age came up to take our order.

"Hello, what would you like to order?" The guy said looking at harry.

Bloody hell. Does everyone here just want a piece of harry. Like I can't blame them, I know how hot my boyfriend is. But as I said MY boyfriend.

"Two butter beers please" Harry said giving him a small smile.

"You have a cute smile" the guy said as he was reached out his hand to pitch Harry's cheeks.

But before he could even touch his cheeks I grabbed his hand tightly as I glared at him.

"I think you should get our butter beers. We'll be waiting." I said in a harsh tone.

"Dude, why're you so mad? It's not like your his boyfriend," The guy said while rolling his eyes. "Plus, how could I resist him. Just look at how hot, cute, and perfect he i-OW" I tightened my grip on his wrist.

I think I even broke it but who knows.

"In a matter of fact, I AM his boyfriend. And he is MINE and not YOURS. So if you'd quietly go get our drinks and get out then that'd be good" I said giving him a glare that'd kill.

Harry's POV

I am very thankful for Draco. Like really, if he wasn't here I would be so uncomfortable from the guy's flirting. I'd probably even get raped.

As Draco spoke, his words made me blush.

"Is that guy really your boyfriend?" The guy asked me, his eyes softening.

"Yes, now go get our drinks before we get you fired or more importantly before he," I said pointing at Draco, "kills you."

"Alright alright I'm sorry" he said.

As soon as Draco let go of his hand, the guy ran as fast as he could to go get the drinks.

As I waited for our drinks I stared at the table space in front of me. Thinking about how happy Draco makes me.

My thoughts were interrupted by an arm sneaking around my waist. I looked to my right to see Draco, smiling up at me as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"I'm so lucky to have you." He said as he pecked my lips.

"You know, I don't think I probably told you how much I love you yet. You make me so happy, every time I see you my heart starts beating fast. You make me blush like crazy and get me nervous. Thanks for always protecting me and keeping me happy all the time. I love you" I said looking down.

As I looked up I saw something that broke my heart. Draco laughing. What? Why is he laughing?

"I actually did it! You thought I'd like you!? It was a dare you idiot! I'd never like a guy, that's disgusting, I'm as straighter than a ruler you faggot! My friend dared me to get you to fall for me and you actually di-" he said as he laughed.

I got up not bothering to listen to the rest. Tears were rolling down my face. I couldn't listen to the rest.

I knew it, no one will ever like me. I'm a useless ugly piece of shit. Why am I even alive yet?

I went back to the dorm. I cried and cried all night. Draco didn't come to the dorm that night, he probably spent it at his friend's dorm. But I don't care, I hate him now.


                              After weeks
    (Everyone was back and studies started   again)

Draco's POV

Harr-I mean Potter has been ignoring me these past few weeks. We'd see each other, I tease him, he doesn't respond.

He has been looking very terrible these days, I mean have you seen his face? His eyes are always dark and puffy. His hair has been messy and my heart aches for hi-

I MEA- WHAT? NO! I hate him, I hate him so so much! Did I fall for harry? But it was suppose to be the other way around. He was suppose to fall for me. NOT THE OPPOSITE! Ughh what have I gotten myself into...

Guys forget the Instagram thing. Since I got a lot of massages saying that some of you don't have Instagram I'll be just updating you on when I'll update by writing the massages thingy. You'll get it later. Anyways don't forget to vote and comment. Bye loves 🙃♥️

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