'I am sorry for your lost.' the man said. I nodded my head and walked faster out of the graveyard.

My brother was already waiting for me by the car, I got in and so did he. My brother drove to Allen's house. We got out and I gave Justin a hug goodbye. We didn't say a word the entire car ride.

'Alice, I have to go back to the island.' Justin said as we pulled away from our hug. I didn't trust my voice so I nodded my head.

'I'll be back soon, okay? I love you, bye.' He said.

'Love you too, bye.' I said as I walked to the house.

Seth's POV

I was in my room playing video games with Jack, Kent, and Adam when I heard the doorbell ring. I ran to the door and opened it. I looked at a girl with silky black hair that flowed a little bit below her waist. She was wearing a white dress with laces and complicated patterns to describe. The dress had a back outline to the dress and the laces.

I barley recognized the girl, it was Alice. She looked beautiful. I let her into the house and she walked in.

'Do you want something to eat?' I asked her.

'No thank you, I'm not hungry.' She said. I wanted to look at her eyes but she kept her eyes to the floor. I wonder if she's okay. She walked to the guest room which is where she was sleeping but stopped at the door way.

'I'm going to sleep early today' she said and closed the door. She seamed really worn out. I walked back to the room and Kent, Jack, and Adam kept playing some game. I wasn't paying attention I kept thinking of Alice. Today is Wednesday so I only have until Sunday until she leaves.

I heard my parents walk in to the house. They walked to my room.

'Hey boys put the games away time to go to sleep.' My mom said. Kent, Jack and Adam whined.

'But there's no school for the rest of the week!' they all said at the same time.

'Tomorrow is another day now put it away.' My mom said. She walked out the room. We all helped put the games away and I went to my bed. Kent, Jack and Adam were sleeping on the floor. I closed my eyes and slept dreamlessly.

I woke up to the smell of bacon. I walked around my friends sleeping on the floor. I closed my door so they wouldn't smell the food. I walked to the kitchen and saw Alice sitting at the table eating bacon.

My jaw dropped. In our house the first kid who gets to the kitchen first gets the first pieces of bacon. I always win but she got there first! I sat down next to her and took one of her bacon strips. She glared at me when I ate it. It was pretty funny.

My mom put my first piece of bacon on my plate I picked up to eat it when Alice grabbed it.

'Thank you' she said and ate it. That was messed up. She ate a bagel and cream cheese and I ate scrambled eggs. I heard Kent, Jack and Adam running, they got into the kitchen and glared at me and I laughed.

Alice was putting her plate in the sink and looked at Kent, Jack, and Adam confused. They were in shock to see her and so was she. I was in jeans and a white shirt, Alice was in a black skirt and dark purple shirt. Kent, Jack and Adam were still in their boxers and a white shirt.

Alice lifted her eyebrow at them and they looked down to see what they were wearing. Their faces turned red and they ran back to my room to get dressed. It was so funny me and Alice were laughing so hard when they came back in they were still red but were wearing jeans and a random T-shirt.

They all glared at me and I smiled back at them. Alice was smiling as she walked back to her room. Jack was first to speak.

'DUDE WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME A GIRL WAS HERE! LET ALONE THE CUTEST GIRL IN SCHOOL!' Kent whisper yelled at me. I smiled at them.

'It slipped my mind.' I said. They all glared at me and I got up.

'I hope you kept my room clean cause she wants to play my video games. There eyes went big. My mom put there food in front of them and I saw a slight smile on her face. I walked to my room and was pulled right out by Kent.

Jack, Adam and Kent ran into my room and were picking up there clothes up fast.

'What's going on?' Alice said behind. I watched my friends froze. They were halfway done.

'You want to play video games?' I asked her. She looked a little past me and smile. She found out what was going on. She played along.

'Sure why not?' she said. I heard my friends clean up faster and so did she. The door was half way open and I opened it all the way. Jack, Kent, and Adam were sitting on the floor looking completely innocent but their faces were red.

'Thank you cleaning up your mess, but you better go eat before your breakfast goes cold.' Alice said smiling at them. I tried to hold in my laugh, tried to but I busted out laughing. They got up and ran back to the kitchen.

'That was funny!' I said to her still laughing. She nodded and walked into my room. I walked in and put on Crash of the Titans for my PS2 (play station 2). Yes it is the one and only Crash Bandicoot. I love that game. Me and Alice played together until my friends came back in.

We were all so into the game we didn't see my dad come in.

'Come on everyone its time to go to the beach!' my dad said. Alice put the controller down and went to her room. Me, Jack, Kent and Adam put on our swim trunks.

Alice was waiting for us on the couch. She had her hair tied up, and was wearing blue jean shorts and a black tank top. My mom came in and she had her camera.

'Everyone sit on the couch!' she said. I sat next to Alice, Adam next to her on the other side, Jack and Kent went behind her and my mom took pictures. When she was done we all piled out.

'Go on a head we'll catch up.' Said my dad. It turned into an all out run after that. Alice got there first, I got there second, and Adam, Jack, and Kent tied third. We jumped in the water and were playing games it was so much fun. I noticed my mom taking pictures o f us but ignored it.

We played in the water for about two hours and got out to eat. My dad had a fire going and we all roasted hot dogs and made smores. When we got back to the house we all took turns taking a shower.

'Hey guys you want to hear Alice play her violin?' I asked Jack, Kent and Adam. They nodded their heads yes.

'okay but you have to be quiet.' I whispered. It was around midnight when we opened Alice's door quietly and snuck in. We closed the door and watched alice play her violin. She was outside leaning on the window frame. She played for a while but stopped. We all held our breaths waiting.

'You guys could just ask to watch instead of act like stalkers' she said to us. Crap, she caught up. We stood up from behind her bed. She played one more song and crawled back through the window onto the bed.

We talked for a while and we all ended up falling asleep. Today was a fun day.

Lacey's POV

Yesterday was excellent I got some really good pictures yesterday. Im pretty sure I didn't get caught taking pictures though. I walked to Seth's room and opened the door. No one was in there.

What the heck? Where did they go? I walked to Alice's room and opened the door very carefully. I saw all the boys and Alice sleeping on her bed. It looked super cute! I grabed my camera from my purse since I always have it with me. I lifted the camera and made sure the flash was off.

I took pictures and they all looked so adorable! I changed the setting to get a better quality. I took the picture. CRAP! I ran out of the room and closed the door quitly and quickly. I went to the living room and sat on the couch. I forgot to turn the flash off so I could only take one photo.

I looked at the picture and it looked perfect. I was so clear and I got it at a perfect angle. I cant wait to start the photo album.

Sorry I'll post more later got to go! - Lexi

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