Amateur poem and anxiety aesthetic

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Something I had to make.

Trigger warning

Now remember what you're about to read was created 'in the moment'

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Now remember what you're about to read was created 'in the moment'. I am far from being a poet, but words didn't leave me.

I have no title for this. ⬇

I feel suffocated, barely breathing
The fear is warming up, heating.

My mind is racing
Palms are sweating.

Yet I sit here waiting,
My mind is over thinking.

My heart is beating faster,
No time, only fear.
Chest is squeezing me tight,
Not letting go...
Not letting me be free

I feel trapped in my body
There's no where to hide
There's only hope,
Only time.

Clock is ticking
Brain is over thinking
How am I still breathing?
It's like dying,
But no one sees it,
Because you're alone,
Or is it demon making you think it?

It's invisible
Sneaking up like preditor
When you finally feel it
It's too late.....

It's like heart attack.
Sudden and deadly,
Yet instead it is the demon,
Living in your brain.

You're drowning in thoughts
With no escape.
Dear Lord, when this will end?
The pain is unbearable.
Making me scream.
But I can't.
Only tears fall from my cheeks,
Like never ending stream.
I'm trapped in silence around me,
But I'm yelling in my mind.
How can this be happening,
When I have gone so far?

Like the night,
It eventually ends.
Sun rises up,
And the cold sets in.
The demon falls asleep
And leaves you awake,
Broken, but still breathing.

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