Moon and the waters

21 1 9


They whispered in my mind like the voice inside your head, except they echoed like my head would be a empty cave.

I was at the edge of the cliff, sitting, my legs dangling loosely off it. I had a strange feeling like gravity will pull my legs right off the cliff and in to the water that was banging against the rocky shore below.


Twigs cracked under pressure of something.

A small, light voice called out rather faintly, like the boy wouldn't be so sure if it was me.

I turned my head around, my blue hair successfully not flying in my mouth.

"Why are you awake so late Rowan?"
I ask him, not really angry. We both have done this multiple times.

Sitting on this very cliff under the night sky every time we feel like the sea is calling us.

This wasn't an exception.

He approiched me, his short white hair all spiked up, but not too much. He had wrapped a blanked around his small 10 year old body firmly. He walked over slowly and sat almost beside me. He was still scared of sitting like me, although i have been saying it is nothing to be worried about. Good thing for a 18 year old(almost to be 19) sister to say, eh?

I felt a small shiver go down my spine, goosebumps appearing on my arms as a cool, slow breeze blew.

"I couldn't sleep, the light in my room was too bright, even though it isn't full moon yet."

He complained for what time now. I furrowed my eyebrows, managing to push myself back, using arms to lift up my weight to sit right next to him.

"Didn't mom and dad buy you black curtains? Specifically for these scenario's?"

He shrugged
"They did. It does dim a little, but still bothers me when i try to sleep."
His look was focused far in the sea's horizont. He was skinny, unlike me that had curves here and there with height that made me look older when i was younger. Like 11 or 12.

The moon was unnaturally bright this night, but it was August and even the stars were shining bright tonight, scattered around the night sky.


I shook my head slightly, making Rowan look at me

"You hear them too?"

I noded
"You and dad told me a myth about voices. They could be ancient spirits, dead relatives or something more.......supernatural."

A small smirk grew on my lips, as i saw Rowan cross his legs and obviously looked interested.

"Like what?" His tone was challenging

"Like the myth about creatures wanting their dead family spirits back where they belong. That's why sometimes hear them. It's them calling us, but every time it is meant to lead to unfortunate events."

He frowned, scrathing the bridge of his nose briefly

Seriously? That's all i get?

"Okay how about this."
I straighted my back, my hands on the ground
"You know everything is connected? From smallest plant to the tallest tree?"

He gave me an unimpressed facial expression.



Something random

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