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You Don't Know Me

Chapter 16

Not Edited

~ Summer Preston's POV ~

I've never been afraid of rejection. I was always afraid of what would happen after. It's funny because those fears should have made me steer away from catching feelings for my friends, but they didn't (obviously.)

I could handle someone I had feelings for saying "Sorry I don't feel that way for you." But I couldn't handle them avoiding me.

Anthony was never the one to avoid. When I told him I had a crush on him in 6th grade, he pretended it had never happened (until high school when all the flirtatious jokes started.) The first time we kissed in 7th grade during spin the bottles, he acted like it wasn't a big deal. And now with the fact that I threw myself at him at the party. He's not making a big deal out of it.

It's been 2 weeks and he hasn't mentioned it once. Even though everyone at Eastview knew about our fight. Some people even came to ask if I was okay, in which I assured them I was. Eric spent the first week questioning what had happened at the party and I gave him a version of the truth. Kali cursed me out because of the Tanner-Anthony problem. He believed me easily. He knew that Kali and I have been having problems for months (even if he didn't know why.)

Marilyn wasn't that easily convinced. The next morning she showed up at my house, ready to demand answers but found Anthony and I asleep together on the couch. Of course she got the wrong idea, but I explained that he stayed the night to make sure I was okay. Nothing explicit had happened.

"Why were you crying, best friend?" Marilyn hugged me once we were alone.

"I tried to warn Kali and she just blew up on me" I hugged her back.

"I could have told you that" Marilyn snorted. "Why were you and Tony fighting at the party? Why were you even at the party?"

"I was upset. I had too much to drink and I tried to shoot my shot with him" I groaned.

"Summer" Marilyn said wide-eyed.

"He flat out rejected me" I groaned.

"What did you do exactly?" She asked.

"I kissed him and..." I mumbled the rest of my sentence.


"I tried to sleep with him"

"Summer you were drunk" Marilyn exclaimed.

"So?" I groaned.

"That's why he rejected it" Marilyn sighed in annoyance.

"People have drunk sex at parties all the time" I throw my arms up.

"But he loves you. He doesn't want it to just be like that" Marilyn bounces on my bed.

"He doesn't love me, Marilyn" I pinched the bridge of my nose.

That conversation went on like usual. Just arguing until someone interrupted us.

He doesn't love me. I don't even think he has romantic feelings for me. I don't understand why everyone thinks that he does. I've known him my entire life. I know how he acts when he has feelings for a girl. He's the sweet guy that asks you on a real date, buys you flowers, opens the door for you and all that jazz. If he had feelings for me, he would have told me. He would of asked me to be his real girlfriend not his fake one.

I was just his best friend's sister. He made dumb jokes, gave me cute nicknames and protected me from my asshole ex boyfriends.

"Are you even listening?" Anthony laughed.

"What?" I looked over at him.

We were expecting our first snow storm of the year so my mom had sent us to go pick up groceries. Anthony was driving us and talking about something that had happened at school earlier.

"Eric and Marilyn" He grinned over at me. "They're a rehearsals today and someone said that this is the day they practice the kissing scene"

"Which kissing scene?" I asked.

"I don't know" Anthony snorted. "But Marilyn and Eric are going to kiss. That's something we've been hoping for, right?"

"Yeah" I nodded. "It's so obvious they have a thing for each other"

"Obvious goes right over your head, Sunshine" Anthony laughed.

"What's that supposed to me?" I frown.

"Nothing. I'm just joking" He laughed again.

We spent the next 2 hours food shopping. Shopping for a family of 10 is exhausting and expensive. Instead of getting 1 loaf of bread, we need get 3. Instead of 1 jar of peanut butter, 4. Instead of 1 bag of apples, 2.

It's honestly exhausting.

"Are you seriously buying ice cream?" Anthony asked as he turned onto the frozen foods aisle.

"Yepp" I said while searching for my favorite flavor.

"You're so cold for someone who's named after the hottest season of the year" He snorted at his own joke.

"Okay Anthony" I laughed before pulling out a carton of mint chocolate chip.

"No snarky comeback?" Anthony raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not wasting my comebacks on terrible jokes" I grinned while putting my ice cream in the cart.

"I know you so well" He smiled.

"You don't know me" I laughed.

After waiting 30 minutes on the checkout line, we were finally finished.

"Your parents spend this much money on groceries every month" Anthony asked wide-eyed.

"Mhm" I hummed and wrapped my arms around myself. I only wore a cardigan because I didn't want to lug around my gigantic winter jacket.

"Damn it started snowing" Anthony muttered. "I'll go pull the car around, okay?"

"Okay, hurry" I mumbled and he grinned.

"Don't freeze on me Sunshine"

"Shut up" I yelled after him.

15 minutes later, the car pulled up in front of me.

"You could have left the groceries here so I didn't have to wait so long" I grumbled.

Right as I reached the car door, I slipped and all I could hear was Anthony's booming laughter.

"Holy crap Sunshine. Are you- Are you okay?" Anthony ran around to my side of the car.

"I died" I laugh-cried.

"C'mon" Anthony laughed while trying to pick me up.

Never try to pick someone up in slippery snow while laughing because next thing you know, Anthony was laying on the ground next to me.

"Ow" Anthony groaned and I started laughing so hard I was crying.

This boy...

a u t h o r s  note

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I thought it was really cute!

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