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You Don't Know Me

Chapter 3


~ Summer Preston's POV ~

The next few days passed in a blur and luckily there was nothing leaked from the imbecile that is my brother's best friend. Don't get me wrong- Anthony is 100% trustworthy. He may be an annoying monster but I've known him my entire life and when he knows something is serious- he doesn't mess around. Though I have caught him staring Tanner down at lunch a few times.

Right now, I'm sitting awkwardly at lunch with my group of friends- minus Anthony & Eric. Everyone was currently discussing this years production of Romeo & Juliet. Cliche, I know.

"Summer & I are going to the auditions!" Marilyn chirped happily.

"Oh really? What part are you auditioning for?" Matt asked with his mouth full- causing him to get a few disgusted looks from the girls at the table.

"The lead obviously" Marilyn said in her "I've said this already" voice.

"I know a secret" Eric walked up to our table with a smug look.

"Spill" Kali giggled.

Ugh that sound is nauseating... I know, I know. That sounds harsh, but what do you expect? She slept with my boyfriend. Maybe she didn't know he was my boyfriend but she did know I've liked him since 8th grade.

"I know about a certain, super secret, relationship that involves a certain girl- named after a season" Eric dragged on.

"That dick" My mouth drops open as I stare at Eric.

That son of a bitch told him. I can't believe I actually trusted him. Of course he would do something like this, he always wants to make my life a living-

"Yes- Anthony told me all about it" Eric smirked.

"How did he know?" Tanner spoke up from the corner seat. Let's just say his tone wasn't at all pleasant.

"I-" Eric cuts me off.

"Well he is the guy in the relationship" Eric looked at Tanner with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Um, excuse me?" Marilyn stares at Eric with her eyes the size of soccer balls.

"Summer and Anthony are a couple" Eric spoke slowly.

"Summer and who?" I say slowly.

"You don't have to pretend, Summer. You're a terrible liar. You guys have been dating since July- according to Tony" Eric slides in next to me.

I felt the entire table staring at me. If looks could kill, Tanner would have killed me by now. He's obviously pissed.

"There he is now" Kali points at Anthony who had just walked into the Cafeteria with.... nobody? He usually always has a group of girls following him around.

"I'll be right back" I jump up and rush over to where he was standing.

"Sunshine" He says cheerfully while pulling me in for a hug.

"What the hell do you think you're doing" I whisper angrily at him.

"Just go along with it" I hear him whisper back.

"Go along with what- this weird charade you're putting on where I am your girlfriend" I hiss.

"Exactly that" I can just imagine that stupid grin of his.

"Now stop looking like you're uncomfortable- everyone is staring" He nudges me.

"Because we've been hugging for several minutes. Who does that?" I angrily hug him back.

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