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You Don't Know Me

Chapter 8

Not Edited

~ Summer Preston's POV ~

It's been weeks since homecoming and everything has finally settled. Anthony and I don't have to convince everyone our relationship is real anymore (by that, I mean making out whenever we can.)

It's become a thing now. Everyone knows Anthony & Summer are a couple.

It's perfect. Because this can all end in a few weeks. It's all clear waters from here on out.

"We have a problem" Marilyn said as she walked into my bedroom.

"What?" I look up from my computer.

"Is Anthony here?" She asks and I shake my head 'no.'

"Yasmine Carter is back" She says.

"You're lying" I gasp.

"Nope! She showed up at a theatre meeting today!" Marilyn smacks my arm.

"This isn't good" I say.


Yasmine Carter. Anthony's ex girlfriend. Not just any ex girlfriend. The ex girlfriend. They dated from 7th grade to 10th. She never liked me, mostly because of my crush on Anthony in 6th grade. The only people who knew she didn't like me, were Marilyn and I.

We didn't talk much in 7th and 8th grade but in high school Anthony had started bringing her around more. Around Eric, Matt, Tanner and Kali, she acted like she was the 4th best girl friend in the group. But she made it known to me that she hated me.

"You're perfect with your blonde hair and blue eyes and he still didn't pick you. So stop trying to screw my boyfriend" She had said at school one day.

"Girl what?" Marilyn had burst from the bathroom stall.

"Tell the whore-"

"Call my best friend a whore again and I'll break your nose" Marilyn snapped. "She doesn't even like him like that"

"Oh okay. I'm not an idiot"

"Oh yeah? Anthony is gonna dump your ugly ass when we tell him you called her a whore"

We never told Anthony because I didn't want to be that girl. We never told anybody about what she said and she never actually confronted us again but she did give me dirty looks whenever nobody was looking.

Nobody knew why they broke up but it was bad. Anthony was obviously hurt. He really did love her. Yasmine didn't come back to school for weeks, then we found out she had transferred to Westview high.

"If she tries something-"

"No. We aren't talking to her okay? We aren't mentioning her around anyone. Especially not Anthony. He's not... happy when she's involved with anything"  I cut her off.

"What if he wants to get back together with her?" Marilyn asks.

I don't answer because I honestly don't know what I would do if that happened. That could break up our entire group. Not because Anthony & I would 'break up' but because Eric wouldn't accept that he left me for someone else. And Yasmine would be back and she hates me. And the whole revenge plan would be in the garbage because in everyone else's eyes Anthony would of left me for another girl. Just like Tanner did.

That made my heart clench. I didn't want Anthony to be thought of like that. He's not a bad person. Yeah he's annoying sometimes but he's an amazing guy.

"Summer?" Marilyn furrowed her eyebrows.

"He would talk to me before that would happen" I sigh.

"Would you be okay with that happening?" She asked.

"Not really. She's a grade A b-otch. Did you see how depressed Anthony was sophomore year? She made him like that. And she'll most likely- why are you smiling?" I frown.

"You like him" She smiles.

"Excuse me?" I question.

"You like-"

"Are you guys ready?" Matt walked through Eric & I's bathroom.

"Huh?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Oh! Oops! I'm sorry! I forgot to tell her!" Marilyn said.

"We're going to the diner for dinner" Matt says.

"Everyone?" I ask.

"Not mom, dad or the kids" Matt answers. "We're leaving in 20 minutes"

I glanced at myself in the mirror and groaned. I was going to have to skip my make up if I was going to be ready in time.

"No mentioning Yasmine tonight" I glare at Marilyn.


The night was going good. Anthony, Eric, Matt, Marilyn, Tanner, Kali & I were at the diner. Eating, laughing, talking. Of course there was still the tension between Tanner and Anthony but it was ignored and masked.

"Take my fries" Anthony rolled his eyes and tried to push them on my plate.

"I don't want your fries" I huff.

"Yes you do. You've been staring at them for the last 15 minutes" Anthony laughed.

"If I wanted fries I would have ordered fries. I got the salad" I rolled my eyes.

"Sunshine, I know you. Take the fries" He laughed.

"You don't know me" I grumbled while he dropped the fries on my plate.

"You guys are still the same" Matt laughed.

"What do you mean?" Anthony asked.

"You guys have always acted like that and it hasn't changed since you guys became a couple" Matt shrugged.

"I's that a good thing?" Tanner asked receiving a glare from Anthony.

"Tanner" Kali whispered angrily.

I could also hear Eric asking Anthony what that was all about but he brushed it off.

"You guys are an amazing couple" Marilyn grinned.

"Aren't we?" Anthony grinned back and wrapped his arm around me.

"Shut up Anthony" I said while stuffing some fries in my mouth.

"I knew you wanted them" He laughed.

"I didn't want them! You just forced me to eat them" I exclaim and everyone laughs.

"Oh my god. Is that Yasmine?" Kali whispers and we all turn towards the front door.

"Oh shit" Tanner stifles a laugh.

There she was. Yasmine Carter. Standing there in all her glory. All of a sudden I felt like that freshman girl again. Scared in the school bathroom. Yasmine was intimidating. She was 5'10 (a full 7 inches taller than me), raven black hair and grey eyes.

The entire table was staring at her in an uncomfortable silence and I could feel Anthony stiffen beside me.

"Guys, we should go. Right, Anthony?" I say.

"Uh y-yeah. We should leave" Anthony nods and we say our goodbyes and leave money for our meals.

Anthony grabs my hand and starts dragging me to the back door before Yasmine could notice us.

But it was too late. She noticed.

a u t h o r s  n o t e

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Tell me what you think about it in the comments!

c a m m i

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