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You Don't Know Me

Chapter 9

Not Edited

~ Summer Preston's POV ~

"It's so good to see you guys!" Yasmine grinned before going in to hug Anthony.

Our entire group was watching from the opposite side of the diner.

Everyone could see how uncomfortable this situation was.

"Yeah" Anthony said while hugging her back.

"Summer. It's been too long" Yasmine smiled fakely at me.

"Mhm" I hummed.

Her eyes flicked down to our hands and you could see her smile tighten.

"You guys-"

"Hey Yasmine, we were just about to go. So yeah. Bye" Anthony nodded and pulled me out of the diner.

He pulled me to his car and we say silently for a few minutes while he drove.


"I'm fine Summer" Anthony said.

"Okay" I sighed.

She made him like this. He closed himself off and didn't discuss his feelings. He would just bottle everything up and that's not the Anthony I grew up with. Anthony made his feelings known. That's why he was such a bubbly person.

"Why the hell is she in this side of town?" I heard him mutter to himself.

"I heard she transferred back to Eastview" I mumble quietly and he doesn't answer.

His hands squeezed the steering wheel tightly. He was angry and was trying not to yell. He was a yeller. He wouldn't yell at anyone in particular unless he was angry at them. But he would try to control himself around people who didn't like angry yelling (aka me.)

"You didn't think to mention it to me?" He said through clenched teeth.

"I just found out a few hours ago" I say.

"So you had a few hours to tell me" He said, his anger slightly seeping into his tone.

"We were out having fun! I didn't want to put you in a bad mood" I exclaim. He couldn't really be angry at me!?

"I would of liked to have some sort of warning before coming face to face with my ex, Summer" He spat.

"I didn't know she was going to show up at the diner! I would have told you if I knew!" I rolled my eyes.

"You need to think about possibilities. There was a major possibility that Yasmine would show up to her favorite restaurant the day she moved back" Anthony raised his voice.

"Shut up Anthony! You know I did nothing wrong. You just always get like this when she's involved" I yell back.

"It's true though Summer. Think about what you're about to do or not do. You always do things that cause problems" Anthony said back.

"Like what?" I exclaimed.

"You basically broke my friendship with Tanner" He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Excuse me?" I took my seatbelt off to face him.

"Put your seatbelt back on Summer" He glanced at me.

"No. You don't get to blame me for what Tanner did. Okay? All I did was date someone I liked. It's not my fault Eric wouldn't approve-"

"Summer put your seatbelt on"

You Don't Know MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora