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You Don't Know Me

Chapter 12

Not Edited

~ Summer Preston's POV ~

I had to tell Marilyn about all of the almost kisses and the actual kisses. She was my best friend and I couldn't just keep all of this a secret.

Let's just say, it was not a good idea to not tell her right away.

"You almost kissed him three times and you didn't think to tell me" She stared into my soul.

"I was...confused" I explain.

"That's why I'm here! Your best friend! Remember me? The person that's supposed to make you not confused" She exclaimed.

"Alright I'm sorry!" I laughed.

"Apology not accepted. Now tell me about every almost kiss" She waved her hand around.

"The first one was at homecoming-"

"That was over a month ago!" She screamed.

"Shut up and let me tell the story" I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, okay. Continue"

"It was at homecoming. I had been getting bored, like always. So he decided to bring me out to the football field" I smiled at the memory and Marilyn 'awwed.' "We were watching the stars and he asked me if I wanted to dance"

"With no music?" Marilyn asked.

"We could still hear the music from inside" I smile.

"What song?" She asked.

"I think it was Perfect by Ed Sheeran" I think back.

"So what happened?" She asked.

"We were talking and then he just looked at me and we were about to kiss but Kali interrupted" I cringe at the memory.

"One good thing about this fight is that we don't have to deal with her anymore" Marilyn snorted and I nodded. "What was the next one?"

"Same night. We were at the park and he was chasing me around. At some point we ended up in the tube area together-"

"Steamy" Marilyn wiggled her eyebrows and I glared at her. "Sorry, continue"

"We were really close and I thought he was going to kiss me but Eric showed up" I rolled my eyes.

"Damn. He has terrible timing" Marilyn snorted.

"Yeah. The last time we almost kissed was the day after the diner fiasco" I explained. "We were at that trampoline place I told you about. He was being his annoying self, chasing me around. Narrating it like a football game" I laughed at the memory. "He grabbed me and flung us into the foam pit and it almost happened"

I looked up and saw Marilyn smiling at me.

"Aww Summer" She smiled.

"What?" I asked.

"You're in love" She smiled bigger.

"Um, no" I frowned.

"Yes you are. You're in love with Anthony Walton" She squealed.

"Shh" I hushed her. "Even if that was true. It wouldn't matter because he thinks of me as a friend"

"Oh god you two" She groaned loudly and threw herself back on my bed.

"What?" I asked.

"Everyone knows Anthony loves Summer and Summer loves Anthony" She says. "Everyone knows except Summer and Anthony"

"Oh shut up" I roll my eyes. "That isn't a thing"

"Sure it isn't" Marilyn rolled her eyes.

"I kissed him back and he told me it didn't mean anything. If he loved me, why would he do that?" I sigh.

"He did what?" Marilyn gasped.

"He told me that it was just instinct from us pretending to date. Not to mention he always calls me 'buddy' after our almost kisses" I roll my eyes.

"Damn" She says wide-eyed.

"I'm being friendzoned" I groaned.

"Does that mean you don't want to be friendzoned?" Marilyn wiggled her eyebrows.

"Shut up" I growled and threw my stuffed dinosaur at her.

The rest of the day went by quickly. It was the first football night of November. It was also the first Football night without Tanner. Which was refreshing but weird. Matt and Anthony weren't fighting but they weren't talking much either. Probably because Matt was still friends with Tanner.

Anthony and I were back to normal. As normal as things could get. We were still pretending to be a couple even though Tanner wasn't our friend anymore. We couldn't give him the satisfaction of breaking up right after that fight.

We haven't mentioned the kiss and I don't think either of us plan to. The kiss was in an unknown territory. The fake relationship, romantic/perverted jokes and everything else was in the 'this is a close friendship' territory and if you didn't know. Close friends don't kiss.

When the game ended, Mom put the kids to sleep and Dad went upstairs to sleep, so it was just us. Matt, Eric, Marilyn, Anthony & I.

We spent the whole night talking and eating junk food. Even Matt joined in a few conversations with Anthony.

"Did you guys hear? I got the lead role!" Marilyn squealed.

"Didn't you try out for that part Summer?" Matt asked and I nodded.

"I was only auditioning because Marilyn was. I hate Romeo & Juliet" I snorted and Marilyn rolled her eyes.

"She doesn't like that it's considered romantic"

"Why?" Anthony asked.

"Well Juliet is 13 and trying to escape an arranged marriage, for one" I roll my eyes.

"Okay, yeah. But she falls in love with Romeo" Marilyn says.

"She's 13. She doesn't know what love is. She just doesn't want to marry some dude she doesn't know"

"Shut up Summer" Marilyn said.

"She just has a hatred for arranged marriages" Eric laughed. "You know, since my mom and Anthony's mom have been spending years trying to arrange their marriage"

Everyone laughed at that.

"Didn't you audition for the play Eric?" Matt asked.

"Yeah" He nodded.

"Coach let you?" Anthony furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yeah. Rehearsals don't start till' after football season ends so as long as it doesn't interfere with training, I'm good" Eric explained.

"Cool" I nodded.

"Did you get a role?" Marilyn asks.

"Yeah" Eric grinned.

"Probably an extra" Matt snorted.

"Actually I got Romeo" Eric grinned bigger causing Marilyn to start coughing on her drink.

Maybe my brother was smarter then I thought. He might actually get his girl.

a u t h o r s   n o t e

Ahh Eric & Marilyn are going to be getting it on during rehearsals  (lmaoo ignore me)

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