- chapter two: trick or treat, freak

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постель = bed  пожалуйста = please

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постель = bed
пожалуйста = please

warning : kinda gory but not much because i can't write very well !!

also this was very rushed

the man, nineteen didn't know who it was this time, steps through the icky goo of the other dimension and disappears. nineteen already starts to feel anxious and stares the distorted screen as it comes into view better.

"how's it looking out there, cowboy?" dr. owens speaks into the microphone. nineteen glances up at him from her spot in the spinning chair. dr. owens glances down at her and nods with an assuring smile.

he'll do fine. the older man tells her. nineteen hoped so.

"uh, you know, doc. the usual. nice and nasty with a chance of radioactivity." the man says back. nineteen rubs her eyes in tiredness and crosses her arms and leans on them. she feels a nudge.

"c'mon, can't be going to sleep on us now." owens speaks. "we had a deal, remember? you come and help out the guys-"

"-and sleep time is later." she finishes, mumbling. she was kind of regretting asking for that deal.

she watches as the man fumbles with a box on top of a bigger box. "oh yeah, it's barbecued all right. anyone hungry?"

the technician did a few more things before saying, "and.." the lights cut on. "we're back on!" everyone starts clapping and cheering around her.

later on, dr. owens stood with nineteen in front of their series of tiny tv's and re-watched his tape with will byers. nineteen stood beside him as he squeezed his stress ball over and over. his eyes were trained to the tv.

nineteen stared too. she listened to the boy intently, yet she had no idea what he was talking about. she vaguely thought that it could be about 'the other side', as owens called it.

nineteen slowly lifted her hand and touched will's head with her pointer finger and the tv started to show static. she took her finger off and it went back to normal. she looked up at dr. owens, who just chuckled slightly, lifted a hand and rubbed the top of her head lightly, and then switched off the tv.



"lines of colors in the sky after the rain and the sun."

"good. what's a magazine and what is it used for?"

"it's like a book but it's short and made of pictures and words that entertains people."

"very good. i'll have to bring you some of mine."

nineteen smiled at mary.

"okay, now. friend."

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