Chapter 2: You

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I wake up and stretch. I look down at the crumpled note and look away quickly. I head to my kitchen where I think I ditched my phone. I pick it up and see no notifications. I unlock it and go to check social media cuz if Jimin was out last night he'll post pictures. I yawn and go to click Insta and freeze. It was it's old cover. The old camera thing....what the hell?

I rub my eyes and it's still there. I open my calendar.

I drop my phone and back up.

"This is crazy...." I whisper, "there's no way I went back four years! 2015! I mean if it was there'd be a new report of a traffic jam that made me walk instead of dri-"

My phone buzzes.

A traffic report. The one that is the reason I walked. The reason.

"YOONGI!" I yell already dressed I grab my bag that was still there like it used to be when I went to go dance. I run out of my apartment. If this isn't done crazy prank then he is alive and I can finally tell him!

I slow down realizing I didn't rush till later in my walk.  I slow down and retrace my steps. They were hazy but I still remember them because they led me to him. I plug in my music, click on Just Right. Just like I did. I start to dance as I walk and get lost in the music.

"Hey! Watch it!" I stop and pull out an earbud.

"I am so so so sorry! I was looking for someone, then I got caught up in the song, I am so sorry!" I apologize not even looking at the person because this ain't the spot I literally spun into Yoongi.

"Then look where you're fucking going! You spilt my coffee," the guy grumbles.

Wait that's...Yoongi.

"Oh my god! I'll buy you a new one!" I spurt out, "There's a great cafe around the corner!"

"Hurry yo I've got somewhere to be."

I nod smiling and lead him to the cafe that started our friendship. We walk in and it's the same as what I remember. Coffee in the air, minimal crowd, just like Yoongi likes it.

"What do you" I'll play dumb for now.

"Yoongi. And a black coffee," he rolls his eyes.

"Nice to meet you Yoongi! I'm Hoseok!" I smile brightly.

His straight face falters. His eyes swimming with emotions I never noticed the first time. He pulls himself together just as fast and I go up to the counter. I order a Carmel macchiato and a black coffee like I we used to. I bring him his coffee and smile.

"Sorry again for earlier Yoongi!" I apologize.

"It's fine I guess. What's with the bag and casual clothes?" He asks.

"Oh! I'm a dancer. I was walking to my studio to practice," I explain.

"Huh. Cool I guess," he shrugs looking out the window.

"If you need to go I don't want to keep you busy," I bounce on my feet nervously.

"Oh um. I do but shit give me your hand," he pulls out a pen and scribbles numbers on it and leaves.

I look down at it. It's the exact one. I really did go back in time. I am in 2015 three years before he dies. I can tell him. I smile and run to the studio and go in to the practice room. I plug in my music and start dancing a choreo I already know by heart. Moving to the rhythm.

"Whoa lookin good Hoseok!" Jimin smiles as I finish.

"Oh....thanks!" I pant.

"No problem!" He giggles and sets his bag down joining me in front of the mirror.

I go check my phone and realize I haven't put the number in. I start to put it into my contacts real quick.

"Hey what are you doin?" Jimin asks glancing at my screen, "YOU HOT SOMEBODY'S NUMBER!"

He starts shaking me when I finish typing the number. I totally forgot this is how he reacted. I laugh a bit when he stops.

"Who is this person!"

"All I git was Yoongi. He's about your height, pale, brown hair and eyes, he's really good looking!" I list off.

"So Totally my type!" He jokes a bit.

"Nah he's kinda rude but also is super cute when he gets flustered!"

"Shit. So your type!" Jimin smiles catching on.

"I don't know about that..."

"Hobi I've known you for a while so no use in Lyin!" He sasses

"Damn ok! Yes but I only ran into him!" We start bantering and laughing.

We then start dancing and I felt alive again like I wasn't going in circles which I mean I am technically, but this time it's not in a bad way but a good way. We finish and I head out to go home. I walk into my apartment and text Yoongi.

Me: Hey it's the guy who spilled ur Coffees! Hoseok

Yoongs: Oh hi

Me: such a great greeting 😝

Yoongs: oh why hello mysterious boy who in all the dramas is my soulmate

Me: XD better

Me: so

Yoongs: So?

Me: why'd ya give me ur #

Yoongs: idk

Yoongs: I felt like it

Me: hmmmmn

Yoongs: bitch stfu

Me: ouch

Me: my sweet heart

Yoongs: suck it up.

Me: shit ok

Me: anyway wanna meet up again?


Yoongs: Sure?

Me: really! Wanna get lunch on Friday?!

Yoongs: sure ig.

Yoongs: just txt me when ur break is

Me: kk! Gtg

Yoongs: bye?

I end the conversation and lock my phone. I process what's going on. I am four years in the past reliving the time I spent with Yoongi. I am getting my second chance to tell him I love him. I just have to wait till the timing is perfect. I can't mess up now. I can't take finding him dead again.

Life Time in Repeat (Sope fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora